Monday, June 26, 2017

The "Travel Ban"

Today, the Supreme Court overwhelmingly upheld part of President Trump's so-called "Muslim Ban" executive order.

The ban, as written, was designed to prevent people from seven different nations (Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Sudan and Somalia) from temporarily entering the United States, until they can be properly vetted.

Of course, the Regressives instantly latched on to the fact that all of these are predominantly Muslim countries. Meaning, the President (and anyone in support of this order) is a racist, and is discriminating against the Islamic faith. Some even go as far as to claim that the President has somehow overstepped his authority.

As the Supreme Court has partially shown today, there are some major flaws in these arguments (surprise, surprise).

The first being... of the estimated fifty-one "predominantly Muslim" nations globally, the order only bans seven (not even half). If he truly wanted to just ban Islam, he would have included far more countries (or even some of the most populated ones), not just these seven.

The second point... The countries named in the ban either have a history of state sponsored terrorism, or at least a history of not lifting a finger to stop it.

A popular argument against this last point is along the lines of... "Saudi Arabia has had more terrorists from there than any of these nations...". But, the Saudi's have never openly sponsored terrorism, and actually spend millions combating it in their country.

Plus, I agree that the ban doesn't go far enough. There are definitely other countries out there that deserve to be on the list as well. (None should be removed.)

The third issue is that the Constitution clearly grants the President the right to ban anyone that is a potential danger to the U.S. from entering the country.

Some try to claim that it does not give the President the power to discriminate against a religion.

The problem is, he isn't (see the first point). If he were, then he would have banned all fifty-one nations, not just seven.

This anti-Trump, race card playing, resist at all cost nonsense needs to stop. This issue only goes to prove that the Regressives are willing to play fast and loose with our lives and safety, for the sake of their political powers and ideals.

Stop gambling with my children's lives to nurse your bruised ego.

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