Friday, June 16, 2017

Still More Hypocrisy From the Left

Not surprisingly, all the "let's get along" hype by the Regressives is already over and done with, less than forty-eight hours after it began. (Far be it from me to say "I told you so".)

Immediately after Thursday's shooting at the GOP ball practice, House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, called for bipartisanship. She pledged to work with Conservatives, and end all the vitriol and hostilities. 

But, that was then...

Today, good ole "San-Fran Nan" once again went on the attack against Republicans and the Right. Feigning moral outrage over a series of GOP ads that mention her attempt to sway elections in Georgia. She's from California, and has no ties to Georgia, but has spent money to get the Democratic candidate elected over the Republican one. The ads are funded by an independent GOP group, and have run for well over a week (well before the shooting). Nothing in the ad has been proven untrue, or even refuted by Pelosi herself. She appears to be upset that it exposes her for trying to sway a state and district outside of her own. 

Meanwhile, President Trump tweeted about Assistant Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein (the man who appointed Bob Muller, the Russian Probe Lead Investigator)... "I'm being investigated for firing the Director of the FBI, by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch hunt"

Rosenstein immediately tried to deny the claim by the President, until the White House mentioned a three page letter, in which Rosenstein recommends firing Comey directly.

Does anyone else see the conflict here? Both Rosenstein and Muller should resign, but probably won't.  (There may be honor among thieves, but clearly none among Regressives.)

It's sad, but both of these stories are examples of exactly what I meant in my last post, about not being able to believe the Left. 

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