A fair warning to all the RINOs and anti-Trump Neo-Cons in Congress right now... it's time to put up, or shut up. If you continue to stand in the way of healthcare reform, you will lose the Congress next year, and it will only be your fault (Not Trump's).
A large portion of GOP Senators and Representatives currently in office were voted in (or have won reelection bids) on the promises of repealing Obamacare. Many of them gained TEA Party and grass roots support up to seven years ago, on this campaign pledge alone. (Evidence of just how unpopular this law has always been.)
However, every since getting elected, next to nothing has been even attempted to abolish Obama's nightmare law. All the voters ever got out of any of them, was a string of weak and lame excuses.
The first excuse was that, with the Senate under Democrat control, there wasn't enough Congressional support to get rid of it. Even if that was true, the law was (and is) so unpopular, they should have at least tried, and then forced Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi to explain why they are defying the will of the American people.
The next lame excuse came when they said that the President (Obama at the time) would never sign a repeal bill. This may have been true, but at least look like you're trying, and again... make him explain why he refuses to do the will of the people.
Instead, the voters came through yet again and elected a Senate majority, and a Republican President. Still, we have some not only dragging their heels, but openly defying the President and the people who voted for them.
Some claim the repeal and replace proposals for the failed healthcare law don't go far enough. This, to me, sounds like just another straw man argument.
Let's face it, there's no possible way to craft any sort of healthcare bill that will satisfy everyone. Some (like me), believe the government shouldn't be involved with healthcare at all (except for children's Medicaid and elderly medicare). While others feel healthcare is a "right" of everyone (it's not). There is no middle ground on this, it's either one way, or the other.
However, some of the suggestions a few Neo-Cons are making before they can vote for any change, are ridiculous and impossible. Worse still, I say that these hold-outs know they're being unreasonable, and just don't have the guts to come right out and say they're not going to repeal Obamacare, no matter what. Instead, they make cowardly statements like, "I can't vote for this, until it grants homeless people their own Beverly Hills level plastic surgeons for free..." (Not an actual quote, but may as well be.)
At least, the Democrats and anti-Trump RINOs are finally being honest on this one issue, when they openly say they will oppose everything Trump tries to do at all cost. It wouldn't matter if he offered free cancer treatments and ice cream cones for everyone.
They're wrong, and harmful to America, but at least they're being honest.
Another issue in the healthcare debates, is all the hateful/hurtful rhetoric the bold-faced liars on the Left are back to using, after pledging to stop. (Hence, the "bold-faced liars" comment.)
Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders and several others are on record stating that Trump's healthcare changes will kick twenty million off their coverage, and even "kill babies" (Both Pelosi and Sanders said this), or "kill millions" (Pelosi and Schumer).
They know better, which makes them vile, disgusting creatures, beneath contempt. And, here's why...
First of all, this kind of over inflated exaggeration and rhetoric is what has spurred violence like the Scalise shooting and all the riots and protests at our colleges. They promote violence, by painting political opponents as murderous monsters, and out to hurt America, to the hopeless ideologues and the misinformed.
Secondly, no one (Right or Left) is purposefully our to kill babies, or throw grandma off a cliff. There weren't any people dying in the streets due to lack of care before Obamacare, and there won't be after it's repealed. Hospitals, by law, have always had to treat the critical, regardless of whether they can pay or not.
The third point... twenty million (or whatever their made up figure is) won't just be kicked out of their coverage. They'll voluntarily drop it, when they are no longer being forced to buy it by the government. There's a BIG difference, and to say they're going to "lose coverage" is a deliberate and misleading lie.
Remember my rule for life (#4)... Anything you have to lie about to convince others, is still a lie.
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