A couple of days ago, I wrote a post on gun control, only to find an hour or two later that House Majority Whip Scalise was shot during a Republican baseball practice in Virginia. It was an uncanny and eerie coincidence.
A couple of things have really stood out to me since then.
The first was how fast the call for more gun control went out after the shooting (right on cue). As usual, let's blame the weapon and screen to take them away from the people whom actually follow the laws.
No regulation on Earth (short of an all out ban and destroy) would have stopped this tragedy. Yes, the man had obvious mental issues, but none he was being treated for (that I know of). And, even if you successfully took away his guns, he was so determined, he would have found some other way (bombs or knives).
The second (and more disturbing) thing was how quickly the calls for unity and non-partisanship went out. It would have been heartening, if it wasn't so phoney and disingenuous.
When Democratic Senator Gabbie Gifford was shot in Arizona, everyone in Congress and the media was convinced, at first, the shooter was a Conservative. They made no bones about pointing this belief out, either. Then, when it came out that he was actually a Left-leaning Democrat with some sort of imagined grudge against her, everyone immediately dropped it.
This current guy (name deliberately withheld) made no bones about which ideology he followed, from the very start. He was a proud Bernie Sanders supporter, and extremely anti-Trump, anti-Right wing Democrat. The Left never had a chance to blame Conservatives, and was forced to see it was entirely their fault (I'll get to why in a second). This shooting was an embarrassment to them, and so, they now want "unity" and bipartisanship. Too bad they weren't interested in that back during the Gifford case (or any other time in the past eight years).
Now, I've made the claim that this shooting was entirely the Left's fault. I know that's a controversial statement, and will certainly anger some people. However, you can't escape the truth of it, or the mountain of evidence behind it; far too much to be covered here. (So, I'll only list a few, but believe me, there's a whole lot more...)
Hateful rhetoric undoubtedly exists on both sides. Even I myself have called those on the Left a few choice names, and made fun of their views. This is to be expected when dealing with values and principles so diametrically opposed to one another. However, I (and most others on the Right) have never called for anyone on the Left to be physically harmed or killed. That is not only immoral, it's mentally unstable.
Before anyone starts trying to name examples of times when a Right-winger called for violence, or death against an opponent, allow me to point out the vast majority of these were basically unknown individuals with no public support. They were also quickly denounced (rather than applauded) by everyone on their side.
One could point out the exception to this was Donald Trump during the campaigns. I won't justify his actions (They were wrong.), but I will say that for this one example, there's a nearly endless list on the opposite side.
Starting with when Obamacare was being debated seven years ago, Democrats and Regressives (sorry, but the name applies) have been claiming the Right wants to kill grandma and children (A blatant lie). Since the 80's, they've claimed the GOP is a party of racist, who want to kill/enslave African-Americans, and ban/deport all immigrants. (History proves this one untrue over and over again.)
Even as I write this, there is a play in New York, in which the actors stab to death a Trump look alike, and a music video by Snoop Dawg, where he pretends to shoot Trump and torture him. Failed comedian Kathy Griffin just had a photo shoot holding Trump's bloodied, severed head. CNN, MSNBC, The Huffington Post, Bill Mahr and countless other Left-wing hacks gleefully talk about and report instances like these on a regular basis, cheering them on, rather than condemning them.
Now, they say the rhetoric has gotten out of hand (and I totally agree), because someone has bought into their violent, hateful nonsense. Now, they claim to want to reach across the aisle and finally be non-partisan.
I wish they truly meant it, and that we could believe them. But, until the media starts letting go of their obvious bias, our politicians learn to be more civil (and exaggerate less), and our celebrities learn to keep their ill-informed opinions to themselves, bipartisanship will be impossible.
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