If you hated Trump before, you found Comey's testimony damning. If you loved him, Comey came off looking like a fool. For the rest of us, you wondered why you just wasted your time watching the charade.
To some up today's event:
1. Comey was unable to find any proof the Russians actually changed a single vote in our election last November.
2. He didn't find any proof that Trump directly or indirectly colluded with the Russians.
3. He rushed the results of the Clinton investigation because of Bill's shady meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and fear of political fallout.
4. Trump never asked him to drop the Russian Investigation, or the Flynn investigation. (Though he did say that he hoped it could be dropped soon... not a crime.)
5. He suddenly decided to keep notes (which told us nothing new) after each meeting with Trump. Even though he never did this after eight years with Obama.
6. He believes the President fired him over the Russian Investigation, though he admitted Trump didn't directly say that, and he has no proof. He also directly said Trump lied about why he was fired, and has credibility issues. (So, it's Comey's word against Trump's.)
7. He admitted to telling Trump at least three times that he (Trump) was not being investigated in the Russian Probe. (Now, who has credibility issues?)
8. He couldn't say whether Trump obstructed his investigation. (If he couldn't, then who in the hell can???) And, he's looking forward to the special committee digging into this, and leaning that way. (Sounds awful partial and partisan to me.)
9. Michael Flynn and Jeff Sessions may be in bigger trouble over the Russian issue than we thought. (Of course, he didn't really elaborate on how or why.)
10. He actually unwittingly helped the President's credibility, by confirming that the media got most of the stories about the Russian Investigation wrong and were engaging in "fake news". He even admitted to leaking details of the probe (even though he was supposed to be finding the source of leaks).
So, basically the whole affair was a giant nothing-burger with heavy cheese. Not one single mind was changed, and I seriously doubt any will be any time soon.
The one thing I personally took away from the hearing today, was that there's still no evidence of a crime on Trump's part. He was well within his rights and authority to fire Comey. They still can't find any proof the President colluded with the Russians. And, the Left isn't going to stop trying to destroy him, or give up on their insane dream of impeachment (even though, they don't have any legitimate grounds).
Meanwhile, all the partisan fighting and juvenile obstructionism is dividing the country further, and making us less safe.
While hunting for boogie-men in every shadow, the real boogie-men (ISIS and Al-Qaeda) are sniffing around our door.
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