Saturday, June 3, 2017

Same Old Regressive Tricks...

The recent story of "comedian" (term used very loosely) Kathy Griffin's failed attempt at political comedy, her premeditated apology and the insane aftermath, is neither new, nor surprising.

For those of you who may not know what I'm talking about... Never-was (has-been would give her far too much credit) comedian Kathy Griffin released a picture of her holding the life-like, bloodied and severed head of President Trump. Unfortunately for her, a video of the preparation for the photo shoot was released at the same time. 

In the video, Griffin is discussing the shoot with her photographer, telling him that they'll take the picture, then she'll make an apology,  and he may have to move to Mexico. All of this was done before  the picture was even taken.

Once the image was released, a disheveled, and makeupless Griffin appeared, right on cue, to apologize  (but not to Trump or his family directly). The apology was better scripted and rehearsed than any comedy routine she had ever done. It was absolutely robotic. 

President Trump responded  (on Twitter,  of course), by calling the photo, and her attempt at comedy, "disgusting", and saying his family (particularly his youngest son, Baron) was extremely upset by the image. (Who wouldn't be?)

Barely a day later, Griffin is back in front of the cameras, calling Trump and his family "bullies". Sobbing (unconvincingly), she claims to be bullied by the President and his family, and that she's "broken".

As I stated before,  this little ploy isn't anything new. It's a tactic the Left uses regularly,  especially since Trumps election. 

Step 1... say or do something incredibly offensive and disgusting.  Step 2... apologize, if there's any kind of backlash.  Step 3... Play the victim, and demonize the offended party. It's right out of the Sal Alinsky playbook, and there's nothing Regressives are better at (aside from spending other people's money) than playing the victim.

Not surprisingly, she's lost her job at CNN (she does the New Years show with Anderson Cooper every year), and just about any sponsors or public appearances she had. This was due to her actions (Not Trump's) and the decisions of all those whom let her go.

I believe firmly in the First Amendment, and that it applies to all U.S. citizens (even those I disagree with). I don't believe that she should be fired. However, she (like so many others) needs to learn that you can't have freedom,  without consequences. That's called anarchy or chaos.

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