Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Healthcare (Part 2)

It seems this has been one story I've been neglecting in my blogs. Which is strange, because it's an issue I have strong opinions about. So, without further delay, here's where I stand on government-run healthcare.

First of all, let's get one thing straight right away...

Healthcare IS NOT a "right". A right involves an individual freely living as they choose, without imposing upon any others' ability to do the same. Living healthily is a right. Even seeking medical treatment is a right. Forcing others to pay for it, isn't. Neither is dictating to a physician how much the can/should charge for their time, skills, education and abilities. You have the right to take care of yourself and your family. You do not have the right to force others to.

There is absolutely nothing (despite what the Supreme Court may have ruled) that guarantees anyone the "right" to healthcare in our Constitution. There is nothing in there that grants the government authority over it, or compels me to either pay for it, or pay a fine (tax).

If you don't like/can't afford what a doctor charges, don't use them. Either they're worth their fees, or they'll be forced to change due to lack of patients.

Besides, how would you like it, if whatever job you had, the government capped how much you made? If no matter how skilled you may be (how much better than your competitors), you were only permitted to earn a fraction of your current wage?

When you allow the politicians and insurance companies to dictate the cost and quality of care, you devalue human life, and the reasons people go into medicine.

If the Left is allowed to get their single-payer/Socialized medicine, our healthcare will truly fall to third-world levels. It will take away any incentive for people with any real ability to become doctors. If they can make more money, being an auto mechanic, why would they bother going to med school? All we'll be left with, are the C and D grade level students.

If I see a doctor that drives a Ferrari, I'm fine with that. Because it tells me, they're obviously skilled enough to be able to afford it. I certainly wouldn't want to see the one who has to take the bus to work everyday.


A fair warning to all the RINOs and anti-Trump  Neo-Cons in Congress right now... it's time to put up, or shut up. If you continue to stand in the way of healthcare reform, you will lose the Congress next year, and it will only be your fault (Not Trump's).

A large portion of GOP Senators and Representatives currently in office were voted in (or have won reelection bids) on the promises of repealing Obamacare. Many of them gained TEA Party and grass roots support up to seven years ago, on this campaign pledge alone. (Evidence of just how unpopular this law has always been.)

However, every since getting elected, next to nothing has been even attempted to abolish Obama's nightmare law. All the voters ever got out of any of them, was a string of weak and lame excuses.

The first excuse was that, with the Senate under Democrat control, there wasn't enough Congressional support to get rid of it. Even if that was true, the law was (and is) so unpopular, they should have at least tried, and then forced Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi to explain why they are defying the will of the American people.

The next lame excuse came when they said that the President  (Obama at the time) would never sign a repeal bill. This may have been true, but at least look like you're trying, and again... make him explain why he refuses to do the will of the people.

Instead, the voters came through yet again and elected a Senate majority, and a Republican President. Still, we have some not only dragging their heels, but openly defying the President and the people who voted for them.

Some claim the repeal and replace proposals for the failed healthcare law don't go far enough. This, to me, sounds like just another straw man argument.

Let's face it, there's no possible way to craft any sort of healthcare bill that will satisfy everyone. Some (like me), believe the government shouldn't be involved with healthcare at all (except for children's Medicaid and elderly medicare). While others feel healthcare is a "right" of everyone (it's not). There is no middle ground on this, it's either one way, or the other.

However, some of the suggestions a few Neo-Cons are making before they can vote for any change, are ridiculous and impossible. Worse still, I say that these hold-outs know they're being unreasonable, and just don't have the guts to come right out and say they're not going to repeal Obamacare, no matter what. Instead, they make cowardly statements like, "I can't vote for this, until it grants homeless people their own Beverly Hills level plastic surgeons for free..." (Not an actual quote, but may as well be.)

At least, the Democrats and anti-Trump RINOs are finally being honest on this one issue, when they openly say they will oppose everything Trump tries to do at all cost. It wouldn't matter if he offered free cancer treatments and ice cream cones for everyone.

They're wrong, and harmful to America, but at least they're being honest.

Another issue in the healthcare debates, is all the hateful/hurtful rhetoric the bold-faced liars on the Left are back to using, after pledging to stop. (Hence, the "bold-faced liars" comment.)

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders  and several others are on record stating that Trump's healthcare changes will kick twenty million off their coverage, and even "kill babies" (Both Pelosi and Sanders said this), or "kill millions" (Pelosi and Schumer).

They know better, which makes them vile, disgusting creatures, beneath contempt. And, here's why...

First of all, this kind of over inflated exaggeration and rhetoric is what has spurred violence like the Scalise shooting and all the riots and protests at our colleges.  They promote violence, by painting political opponents as murderous monsters, and out to hurt America, to the hopeless ideologues and the misinformed.

Secondly, no one (Right or Left) is purposefully our to kill babies, or throw grandma off a cliff. There weren't any people dying in the streets due to lack of care before Obamacare, and there won't be after it's repealed. Hospitals, by law, have always had to treat the critical, regardless of whether they can pay or not.

The third point... twenty million  (or whatever their made up figure is) won't just be kicked out of their coverage. They'll voluntarily drop it, when they are no longer being forced to buy it by the government. There's a BIG difference, and to say they're going to "lose coverage" is a deliberate and misleading lie.

Remember my rule for life (#4)... Anything you have to lie about to convince others, is still a lie.

Minimum Wage Hikes

I remember, as a teenager, I was preparing to get my first "real job" to work after school. I had really big dreams of buying my first car, getting all the clothes my parents wouldn't/couldn't buy, and just spending like there was no tomorrow.

Then, I got a job as a dishwasher at a local diner for minimum wage...

As you can probably guess, those dreams quickly went south, after receiving my first paycheck. I had worked my butt off for two solid weeks, and barely made enough to eat a meal at the place I worked!

Of course, this was a different time. So, I didn't whine and protest about how "unfair" it was. I got a newspaper, looked through the classifieds, and found someone willing to hire me at a higher rate.

Years later, I was managing a different business, when the federal minimum wage increased. Almost immediately, I had to raise our prices to cover not only the extra money I was paying my employees, but the higher cost I had to pay suppliers and vendors for raising their employees salaries as well. When the prices went up, suddenly all the employees were shouting that they needed another raise to cover the cost. Amazingly, no one saw the connection between the cost of living, and the amount they were being paid.

The sad thing is, they still don't.

The minimum wage was never intended to be a "living wage". It wasn't meant for a single mom with three kids to live on, or a father of five to support his family. It's a lower wage for unskilled workers, until they can acquire the experience and education needed to get a better job.

Unfortunately, the only way for people to really learn this, it seems, is to find out the hard way. Just like Seattle is doing right now.

According to recent reports, the city raised its minimum from $9.47 to $11 per hour, only to find no change for the employees. (As I stated in my personal experience, the prices rose at an equal rate, offsetting the raise.) So, they raised it again, to $13 per hour. This time the cost of living jumped dramatically. Suddenly, workers couldn't even afford as much as they used to under the lower rate.

Of course, there are already some Regressives blaming the "greedy" business owners, and screaming for another raise.

No one goes into business to lose money or go bankrupt. In fact, the only reason anyone starts a company, is to make as much money as they can. When the government forces business owners to pay higher wages, that money has to come from somewhere. And, to be "fair", no one ever wants to take a pay cut (including the owners and CEOs of a company). Therefore, the only way to cover higher wages is to either increase prices, or cut jobs and quality.

If you make the cuts, your business is finished, period. So, your only choice is to raise prices and reduce hours/the size of your workforce.

The cold hard truth of the matter is...

Higher wages equal higher prices, less hours to work, and fewer jobs for the poor. (The sector that needs them the most.)

As someone whom was raised in poverty, and has actually been homeless, I'm all for helping the poor, not handing them a living they didn't earn, while punishing those who create jobs and keep America working.

Once again, the Regressives are rallying an idea that sounds good, on an emotional level, but is a total disaster in the bigger picture. Money has to come from somewhere, and you can't demand more, while expecting everyone else to take less

Monday, June 26, 2017

The "Travel Ban"

Today, the Supreme Court overwhelmingly upheld part of President Trump's so-called "Muslim Ban" executive order.

The ban, as written, was designed to prevent people from seven different nations (Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Sudan and Somalia) from temporarily entering the United States, until they can be properly vetted.

Of course, the Regressives instantly latched on to the fact that all of these are predominantly Muslim countries. Meaning, the President (and anyone in support of this order) is a racist, and is discriminating against the Islamic faith. Some even go as far as to claim that the President has somehow overstepped his authority.

As the Supreme Court has partially shown today, there are some major flaws in these arguments (surprise, surprise).

The first being... of the estimated fifty-one "predominantly Muslim" nations globally, the order only bans seven (not even half). If he truly wanted to just ban Islam, he would have included far more countries (or even some of the most populated ones), not just these seven.

The second point... The countries named in the ban either have a history of state sponsored terrorism, or at least a history of not lifting a finger to stop it.

A popular argument against this last point is along the lines of... "Saudi Arabia has had more terrorists from there than any of these nations...". But, the Saudi's have never openly sponsored terrorism, and actually spend millions combating it in their country.

Plus, I agree that the ban doesn't go far enough. There are definitely other countries out there that deserve to be on the list as well. (None should be removed.)

The third issue is that the Constitution clearly grants the President the right to ban anyone that is a potential danger to the U.S. from entering the country.

Some try to claim that it does not give the President the power to discriminate against a religion.

The problem is, he isn't (see the first point). If he were, then he would have banned all fifty-one nations, not just seven.

This anti-Trump, race card playing, resist at all cost nonsense needs to stop. This issue only goes to prove that the Regressives are willing to play fast and loose with our lives and safety, for the sake of their political powers and ideals.

Stop gambling with my children's lives to nurse your bruised ego.

Finally Some Truth...

"And the truth shall set you free..."- John 8:32.

Tonight, this biblical quote just seems fitting on so many levels. (Though things are so corrupt, I doubt anything will come of any of it.)

After several months of the anti-Trump, Regressive Left crying "wolf" over so-called "Russian Collusion", we now learn that Obama's administration knew about the Russian hacking for at least five months... and did nothing. (Sounds like real collusion,  not to mention gross dereliction of duty to me.) They knew Russian was involved in the election last August, and took no action because Hillary was ahead in the polls, and was presumably going to win. When Trump won (legitimately), suddenly it became an issue. (Even though no one has been able to prove one single vote was changed by their actions.)

Then, we hear that Obama's Attorney General, Loretta Lynch actively interfered with the Hillary Clinton illegal server investigation. (No big surprise there. I called it seven months ago.) She allegedly blocked Comey's pressing charges against Clinton, and ordered him to stop calling it an investigation, and refer to it as a "matter". Now, she's finally facing an investigation of her own. (And, Hillary's case could be reopened.)

Bernie Sanders wife is currently being investigated for fraud. Really not that surprising. (Can someone please explain how someone can claim to be a "Socialist", and still own three multi-million dollar homes?) Bernie is a fake who, (like all Socialists) has always been about spending other people's money, while hoarding his own.

Meanwhile,  the Democrat leadership is starting to turn on themselves, while the Liberal media is about to implode. It seems, no one on the Left can understand why they're losing support and voters, and are now pointing fingers at each other. (Go figure, no one likes being lied to and manipulated.)

There are several at the top of the Democratic party now calling for Nancy Pelosi's resignation (as if she alone was responsible for the sorry state of the Democrats). They still don't get the fact that they are losing because most of America (Not Californians and New Yorkers) doesn't agree with their far Left agenda. And, until they do see it, the Democrat party is going to fade away.

Just in case you're wondering how all this is connected (or what any of it has to do with any of the others), the answer is simple... the far Left Regressives are finally showing their true colors, and are being exposed for who they really are. 

It would be sad to watch this level of self destruction in anyone. But, it's somehow gratifying and satisfying to see people so worthy finally get what they deserve at their own hands.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

The Witch Hunt Continues

This morning, all eyes are the results of the Georgia special election, where Republican Karen Handel beat Democrat John Ossoff. 

The reason this particular race became so important, is the Left's declaration that if Ossoff won, it would be a referendum against President Trump. They (Democrats) spent a record-breaking $30 million (an outrageous sum for a congressional race), and brought in big name celebrities from New York and Hollywood. 

Instead, they received their own referendum (though they will refuse to see it this way) from the people. The message was loud and clear... "You don't have a clue about what real Americans want/need. Leave Trump alone, and do your damned job."

This whole "get Trump at all cost" temper tantrum has gone on long enough. We (the American public) have put up with these witch hunt "investigations" for ten months, nonstop. It's time to put up, or shut up.

Either present your evidence (which even the most Left-wing of the group admits they don't have) and press your charges; or drop it, admit you failed (because you're all partisan hacks), and do the job we elected you for.

I swear, if this "Collusion" crap goes on any longer, I'm about ready to float a petition to bring the members of the "special panel" and Bob Mueller up on "wrongful litigation/prosecution" charges.

It's been nearly a year, and you still can't say whether Trump worked with the Russians and to what extent? You can't even say how deep the hacking of our electoral system went, or what they did once they were in?

Sorry, but I'm calling B.S. on this one. Anyone who doesn't see this whole charade for what it truly is (an attempt to subvert the will of the voters, and our rightfully elected President.), is either severely under-informed, or actively part of the plot.

This is an attempt to overthrow the United States' government, plain and simple. It is a blatant and open attack on our election process, committed not by outside forces (such as Russia), but from within.

No, you don't have to agree with President Trump on any of the issues. You don't even have to like the man personally. But, you do need to respect the office he holds, and you do not have the right to tie up Congress and violate laws, to bring made up charges against him.

This has gone on more than long enough,  and it's gone far beyond ridiculous  (we'll into stupidity's range). Get back to your real job, and stop wasting the people's time and tax dollars. 

And the Regressives have the nerve to wonder why Democrats are losing elections... Grow the hell up.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Another London Incident

Things are beginning to really heat up in Europe, not in a good way. And, make no mistake about it, it's on the way here.

Last night, a van plowed into a group of Muslim worshippers leaving a Mosque after prayer. The driver, a forty-eight year old white male, was captured and held for police. As he was being taken into custody, he reportedly screamed, "I want to kill Muslims!"

This was an act of terrorism, a cowardly and despicable act, fueled by hate and ignorance, plain and simple. There's no way to justify what was done, and I won't even try.

However, it's important to look at some of the root causes, so that future incidents like these can hopefully be prevented or avoided.

For instance... The Mosque had a well publicized history of breeding extremists. It was actually shut down a year ago for ties to jihadists. What wasn't as widely reported, was that it was reopened by a different Imam and group, and had been reformed.

Which leads to broader issue I've talked about before... The Muslim community's almost complete silence concerning extremism.

Like most Europeans and Americans, I'm a Christian. I know very little about Islam, or its practices. Therefore, as an outsider, I have no way of knowing the "good guys" from the "bad". I don't know what the belief condones or condemns.

And, to compound the problem, very few within the religion publicly make any attempt to enlighten the outside world. There are no loud, unified voices out there, decrying the terrorists and educating the general public. Mosques and Imams generally remain silent after an attack, rather than renouncing the violence and terrorists.

Again, I'm not blaming the victims for last night's attack. I'm just saying it's possible we're going to start seeing more "retaliation attacks" (as the media calls it), if more isn't done to distance "moderate Muslims" from the jihadists.

On the other side... last night's attack was not carried out by Christians (No matter what their religious views may be). Real Christians would never carry out such an attack against innocent people. Our God does not order His followers to slaughter unarmed civilians.

The danger here, is that people have had enough, and are going to start taking matters into their own hands. With the Muslims keeping quiet on extremists,  and our political leaders playing games with our safety, more incidents like this are bound to happen sooner or later.

Soon, the Left really will be able to use the term "Christian extremists", and point to real examples.

This is what the terrorists want, it's the very definition of "jihad"... a religious war, or a return to the crusades.

They count on the Muslim community's silence, and the ignorance and anger of the rest of the world, to stir the pot.

With each attack they do, the general public gets angrier. And, as the non-Muslims begin to retaliate, it divides the people further, opening the door to war.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Still More Hypocrisy From the Left

Not surprisingly, all the "let's get along" hype by the Regressives is already over and done with, less than forty-eight hours after it began. (Far be it from me to say "I told you so".)

Immediately after Thursday's shooting at the GOP ball practice, House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, called for bipartisanship. She pledged to work with Conservatives, and end all the vitriol and hostilities. 

But, that was then...

Today, good ole "San-Fran Nan" once again went on the attack against Republicans and the Right. Feigning moral outrage over a series of GOP ads that mention her attempt to sway elections in Georgia. She's from California, and has no ties to Georgia, but has spent money to get the Democratic candidate elected over the Republican one. The ads are funded by an independent GOP group, and have run for well over a week (well before the shooting). Nothing in the ad has been proven untrue, or even refuted by Pelosi herself. She appears to be upset that it exposes her for trying to sway a state and district outside of her own. 

Meanwhile, President Trump tweeted about Assistant Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein (the man who appointed Bob Muller, the Russian Probe Lead Investigator)... "I'm being investigated for firing the Director of the FBI, by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch hunt"

Rosenstein immediately tried to deny the claim by the President, until the White House mentioned a three page letter, in which Rosenstein recommends firing Comey directly.

Does anyone else see the conflict here? Both Rosenstein and Muller should resign, but probably won't.  (There may be honor among thieves, but clearly none among Regressives.)

It's sad, but both of these stories are examples of exactly what I meant in my last post, about not being able to believe the Left. 

Non-partisan Bipartisanship

A couple of days ago, I wrote a post on gun control, only to find an hour or two later that House Majority Whip Scalise was shot during a Republican baseball practice in Virginia. It was an uncanny and eerie coincidence.

A couple of things have really stood out to me since then.

The first was how fast the call for more gun control went out after the shooting (right on cue). As usual, let's blame the weapon and screen to take them away from the people whom actually follow the laws.

No regulation on Earth (short of an all out ban and destroy) would have stopped this tragedy. Yes, the man had obvious mental issues, but none he was being treated for (that I know of). And, even if you successfully took away his guns, he was so determined, he would have found some other way (bombs or knives).

The second (and more disturbing) thing was how quickly the calls for unity and non-partisanship went out. It would have been heartening, if it wasn't so phoney and disingenuous.

When Democratic Senator Gabbie Gifford was shot in Arizona, everyone in Congress and the media was convinced, at first, the shooter was a Conservative. They made no bones about pointing this belief out, either. Then, when it came out that he was actually a Left-leaning Democrat with some sort of imagined grudge against her, everyone immediately dropped it.

This current guy (name deliberately withheld) made no bones about which ideology he followed, from the very start. He was a proud Bernie Sanders supporter, and extremely anti-Trump, anti-Right wing Democrat. The Left never had a chance to blame Conservatives, and was forced to see it was entirely their fault (I'll get to why in a second). This shooting was an embarrassment to them, and so, they now want "unity" and bipartisanship. Too bad they weren't interested in that back during the Gifford case (or any other time in the past eight years).

Now, I've made the claim that this shooting was entirely the Left's fault. I know that's a controversial statement, and will certainly anger some people. However, you can't escape the truth of it, or the mountain of evidence behind it; far too much to be covered here. (So, I'll only list a few, but believe me, there's a whole lot more...)

Hateful rhetoric undoubtedly exists on both sides. Even I myself have called those on the Left a few choice names, and made fun of their views. This is to be expected when dealing with values and principles so diametrically opposed to one another. However, I (and most others on the Right) have never called for anyone on the Left to be physically harmed or killed. That is not only immoral, it's mentally unstable.

Before anyone starts trying to name examples of times when a Right-winger called for violence, or death against an opponent, allow me to point out the vast majority of these were basically unknown individuals with no public support. They were also quickly denounced (rather than applauded) by everyone on their side.

One could point out the exception to this was Donald Trump during the campaigns. I won't justify his actions (They were wrong.), but I will say that for this one example, there's a nearly endless list on the opposite side.

Starting with when Obamacare was being debated seven years ago, Democrats and Regressives  (sorry, but the name applies) have been claiming the Right wants to kill grandma and children (A blatant lie). Since the 80's, they've claimed the GOP is a party of racist, who want to kill/enslave African-Americans, and ban/deport all immigrants. (History proves this one untrue over and over again.)

Even as I write this, there is a play in New York, in which the actors stab to death a Trump look alike, and a music video by Snoop Dawg, where he pretends to shoot Trump and torture him. Failed comedian Kathy Griffin just had a photo shoot holding Trump's bloodied, severed head. CNN, MSNBC, The Huffington Post, Bill Mahr and countless other Left-wing hacks gleefully talk about and report instances like these on a regular basis, cheering them on, rather than condemning them.

Now, they say the rhetoric has gotten out of hand  (and I totally agree), because someone has bought into their violent, hateful nonsense. Now, they claim to want to reach across the aisle and finally be non-partisan.

I wish they truly meant it, and that we could believe them. But, until the media starts letting go of their obvious bias, our politicians learn to be more civil (and exaggerate less), and our celebrities learn to keep their ill-informed opinions to themselves, bipartisanship will be impossible.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Gun Control

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The way it should be

There are certain things we're not allowed to say, or even talk about in today's society. Things that are understood to be taboo, and strictly off limits, unless you want to be labeled and branded for the rest of your life.

In a country that founded the very idea of "free speech", I find this outrageous and incredibly stupid.

Why is it, I can go to nearly any university in America, and hear lectures and guest speakers promoting hate, violence and racism against the Right-wing, and even average white Americans? Yet, let a nonviolent Conservative try to speak at a campus, and everyone loses their damned minds?

Why is it, most major cities, including so-called Conservative ones, permit (and often promote) discrimination in the form of things like gay pride parades, Cinco De Mayo celebrations, or even Miss Black America beauty pageants? And yet, no one can express pride in being straight, white or male, without being labeled a bigot, racist or sexist?

I'm not asking for my own parade, nightclubs or businesses. I don't want a special month, or even a day set aside for people who physically look like me, or act like me. All I want is true equality for everyone... of all races, genders, spiritual or sexual preferences. Where no one is treated any differently than anyone else, and no one has any more or less rights than anyone else.

I want to live in world where gays are allowed to marry, adopt children and share work benefits with their partners; but aren't allowed to hold parades or exclusive businesses that ban others. I want to have a country where African Americans can get a safe and decent education, with as many opportunities as anyone else to get better jobs; without having their own history month, colleges and laws forcing people to hire them based entirely on skin color. A place where women can be paid just as much as any male counterpart, with the same chances for promotions in every job; but are expected to do the same work, at the same level as any man.

To me, that is true equality, when you leave your race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious/political views at home whenever you go out into society. When we can honestly say that we don't really care if you're White, Black, Asian, Latino, gay, straight, male, female, Liberal or Conservative. As long as you follow the laws, all are welcome here... that's the America I want to live in.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Dangers of Temper Tantrums

Today, as you may or may not know, was yet another unnecessary hearing, held for no other purpose than to destroy a member of the President's cabinet, and ultimately take down Trump himself. This time, it was Attorney General Jeff Sessions that faced the Liberal firing squad in Congress. (Only, this time, Sessions shot back.)

This has gone far beyond ridiculous. It's now to the point of sickening, and quickly approaching treasonous on the other side.

Personally, I'm really starting to get angry with all this childish nonsense from the Left. It's frustrating and unpatriotic, end of story.

I've said it thousands of times, and will continue to do so... It's okay to disagree with a seated President.  In fact, that's one of the rights that makes this country great. Go ahead and complain, or even peacefully protest their policies. That's your right  (and Lord knows I exercise mine).

However, no one has a right to shut anyone else up by shouting them down. No one has the right to commit acts of violence against anyone else, or public/private property to protest something they disagree with. And, no one has the right to slander (or libel), or tie up the courts/Congress making false claims and allegations.

Now, I did say this was approaching treason, and I stand by it. Here's why...

By now, only the deepest Kool-aid drinkers on the Left still firmly believe that Trump or any of his advisors colluded with the Russians. There simply has been no evidence of any kind here. In fact, the only provable crimes committed have been on the anti-Trump side (leaking classified information to the press for political gain).

Yet, the Left-wingers, and a few RINOs, are continuing this charade for no other reason than to damage the Trump administration. This, in and of itself, isn't necessarily treason (as sickenly cowardly and childish as it may be). However, it's stupid and dangerous, which can and does lead to treason.

Follow me, if you can now... I'm about to break it down logically...

By now, all these so-called "Collusion Hearings" are proving to be nothing more than a massive waste of tax payer money, and Congressional time, in short... a major distraction. As long as they go on, our Congressmen are focusing on this nonsense, instead of the welfare and security of our nation (dereliction of duty). This farce also encourages our officials to steal and leak classified information  (espionage) to the media in order to subvert and undermine a seated United States President (Mutiny). All of these are considered "High Crimes", which are the official definition of treason.

Granted, I admit that it's a bit of a stretch, but there's far more evidence for my case, than there is for any of theirs.

I just wish, for once, they'd be honest about what they're trying to accomplish, and why. But, of course, they can't.  Because, if they were honest (even to themselves), they would have to admit that their little fit has nothing to do with whether Trump could be a good President, or not. Rather, it's about power, and the ability to steer the country away from all the principles that built this nation and made it great.

The Regressive Left are the type of people who set fire to their own house, complain about the flames, then curse the firemen whom come to put it out.

They are the true reason behind all the modern division in America  (while claiming to be victims), and as long as they keep it up, we're never going to be free, or safe. We can't keep an eye on the real threats, if we're constantly worrying about bruising their delicate little feelings when they don't get their way.

Maybe the reason ISIS hasn't launched a major attack on U.S. soil in a while, is because they know they don't have to. They see how the Regressives and snowflakes are acting, and they realize we're destroying ourselves from within. All they have to do is sit and wait.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Comey Hearing

Earlier today, former FBI Director James Comey testified before Congress in what has got to be the most boring waste of time and tax dollars of the Trump era so far. I mean, we learned absolutely nothing new from this day-long snooze-fest.

If you hated Trump before, you found Comey's testimony damning. If you loved him, Comey came off looking like a fool. For the rest of us, you wondered why you just wasted your time watching the charade.

To some up today's event:

1. Comey was unable to find any proof the Russians actually changed a single vote in our election last November. 

2. He didn't find any proof that Trump directly or indirectly colluded with the Russians. 

3. He rushed the results of the Clinton investigation because of Bill's shady meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and fear of political fallout.

4. Trump never asked him to drop the Russian Investigation, or the Flynn investigation. (Though he did say that he hoped it could be dropped soon... not a crime.)

5. He suddenly decided to keep notes (which told us nothing new) after each meeting with Trump. Even though he never did this after eight years with Obama. 

6. He believes the President fired him over the Russian Investigation, though he admitted Trump didn't directly say that, and he has no proof. He also directly said Trump lied about why he was fired, and has credibility issues. (So, it's Comey's word against Trump's.)

7. He admitted to telling Trump at least three times that he (Trump) was not being investigated in the Russian Probe. (Now, who has credibility issues?)

8. He couldn't say whether Trump obstructed his investigation. (If he couldn't,  then who in the hell can???) And, he's looking forward to the special committee digging into this, and leaning that way. (Sounds awful partial and partisan to me.)

9. Michael Flynn and Jeff Sessions may be in bigger trouble over the Russian issue than we thought. (Of course, he didn't really elaborate on how or why.)

10. He actually unwittingly helped the President's credibility, by confirming that the media got most of the stories about the Russian Investigation wrong and were engaging in "fake news". He even admitted to leaking details of the probe (even though he was supposed to be finding the source of leaks).

So, basically the whole affair was a giant nothing-burger with heavy cheese. Not one single mind was changed, and I seriously doubt any will be any time soon. 

The one thing I personally took away from the hearing today, was that there's still no evidence of a crime on Trump's part. He was well within his rights and authority to fire Comey. They still can't find any proof the President colluded with the Russians.  And, the Left isn't going to stop trying to destroy him, or give up on their insane dream of impeachment (even though, they don't have any legitimate grounds).

Meanwhile, all the partisan fighting and juvenile obstructionism is dividing the country further, and making us less safe.
While hunting for boogie-men in every shadow, the real boogie-men (ISIS and Al-Qaeda) are sniffing around our door.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

School Daze

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the purpose of "higher education" to educate and prepare students for skilled and upper level careers in the "real" world? I was under the impression that people attended colleges and universities to acquire the knowledge and expertise to get ahead in their chosen fields.

To my way of thinking, this training should occasionally include bringing in guest speakers whom have already achieved and succeeded in some aspect of life.  The purpose for this, is to share their insights and pass on things they may have discovered along their own journey.

It should also include real diversity, and differing view points, to give everyone a more rounded and informed opinion on any given topic. You can't  truly claim to be knowledgeable or skilled in an area, if you're only exposed to one side of the subject. People tend to learn more from those they disagree with, than those who share their beliefs. (It either challenges and reinforces, or completely changes your views.)

I'm starting to see institutions of higher education as a predatory, indoctrinating waste of time and money. They are places where people go to amass massive amounts of debt few will ever be able to pay back, while being totally immersed in one-sided propaganda, intended to indoctrinate and kill critical, independent thinking.

Today's students are being taught wrong-minded lessons about how everyone gets a trophy, how they don't have to listen to opinions they were taught not to agree with, and how everyone (including their parents) are evil monsters for disagreeing with them.

Most of these schools' administrators and faculty have spent so much time coddling them, they've lost control. They're now in the business of placating and providing "safe spaces", rather than seriously teaching.  And, if they dare to say anything that even slightly goes against the will of the collective, they're shouted down and attacked  (the same way they taught the students to treat others).

It's sad, pathetic and disgusting. They are supposed to be the so-called "adults" in the room. It's their job (and duty) to teach not only skills, but discipline and true conflict resolution.

The college generation of today, isn't going to be anywhere near prepared to make it in the real world, once they're forced to leave the safety and security of school. They're already proving they can't handle facing and confronting opinions and ideas other than their own.

Hate to break it to you, butter cups, but there aren't any "safe spaces" when you have to pay your own bills, and put food on your own table. People aren't just going to give up their right to speak, simply because it hurts your delicate little snowflake feelings.

Once you leave the ivory towers (sorry to all the elephant lovers out there) of your little fantasy world, you're going to get a real education... you're going to learn that, not everyone shares you beliefs, and most don't give a damn about you feelings. (Which includes all the politicians and activists you look up to, a depend upon to tell you how to think.)

It may sound cold and harsh, and I'm certain many of you don't like it, or agree... However, it's a badly needed dose of truth for a world that's been without it for far too long.

And, if it offends you, or hurts you feelings
.. tough. Suck it up, and move on.

Time To Grow Up

As a father of three, you can bet that I know a temper tantrum when I see one. Trust me, I know all about the "Hold-your-breath-till-you-get-your-way", or the "Kick-and-scream-that-it's-not-fair". Let's not forget my personal favorite: the ever popular, "Blame-others-to-get-ourself-out-of-trouble", mixed with a side of "Shout-over-others-so-they-can't-speak-or-tell-their-side".

Yes, I've seen them all, more than once.

Which is why, I can safely tell you that the mainstream media, and the Regressive Left (not to mention, a few Conservatives), are in full-on hissy-fit mode over Donald Trump.

I mean, come on... It's been eight months, since the man was fairly elected President. The sky hasn't fallen, we haven't nuked anyone off the planet, and the global temperatures haven't risen. Somehow, we're all still here, and (despite baseless claims to the contrary) the numbers show our economy is improving rapidly.

Look, I get it. He wasn't my first choice either. But, let's get real here...

He hasn't done nearly as bad as most predicted, and has accomplished far more than they give him credit for.

As for all the other "scandals" (mainly, the collusion with Russia during the elections), it's been nearly a year of nonstop "investigations", and still no real evidence. As a matter of fact, all the signs point to his opponents actually violating the law (stealing classified information, and illegally unmasking classified names) to get "proof". Yet, they're still empty handed.

You want to oppose his policies? Fine, disagree with them. Just stop making up crap to pin on him, especially when your side is guilty of the same things, or worse. (I'm talking about you, Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren.) Stop throwing a tantrum like a spoiled two year old in a candy store ( all you "safe space", Regressive college cry babies). And, quit putting your political views ahead of the safety and well being of the nation (Senators John McCain and Chuck Schumer, and the anti-deportation/"Muslim ban" crowd).

We're facing some really tough times ahead, and none were actually caused by Trump. In fact, most are messes left by the previous administration, or even the one before that. The only way we're going to get through them, is to roll up our collective sleeves, swallow a lot of pride, and work together for real solutions.

You don't like what Trump offers? Fine. Listen to his proposals,  then civilly present a realistic idea of your own. Debate (equally and fairly) both sides without all the biased, juvenile nonsense. May the best idea win. That is the only way we're all going to get through these issues.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Radical Islam

Evil must be stopped...

I've had a writing project that centers around this one, simple phrase for some time now. However,  I'm discovering that it applies to the world we live in today. 

And, that it's deceptively simplistic. 

The concept hinges around understanding the difference between not only good and evil, but right and wrong. (No, the two are not the same. One can be wrong, without being evil.)  Then, having the courage and wisdom to do something about it.

One of the core reasons for writing this blog, for instance, is to correct wrongness when I find it (and have the time and ability to address it). Every now and then, I find I have to confront not just wrong thinking or beliefs, but true evil.

Take the world's current struggles with terrorism and radical Islam...

I am a Christian,  and a firm believer in Christ. However, I accept that not everyone shares my values and faith. I sincerely wish they would,  and am happy to help those whom wish to know more. But, everyone is entitled to their own views, even if I think they're wrong.

I try to follow the teachings of Jesus, and live my life accordingly. (I may not always succeed, but I am trying.) 

Anyway, despite claims by some, modern Christianity isn't violent, or about condemnation. We don't force people into following our religion at the point of a sword, or the barrel of a gun. (I dare say, that if that were the practice, it'd be time to find a new faith.)

Radical Islam isn't just wrong, it's evil. It'sfollowers are taught to conquer and murder innocents in the name of a corrupted, monstrous version of the one true God (both Allah and Jehova or the Christian God, are one in the same, the God of Abraham.)

This is not an attack on all Muslims, nor is it any sort of "Islamaphobia". I have known several Muslims whom were peaceful, loving people.

However, if your "God" is commanding you to behead innocent people, based on their belief; or blow up concerts filled with children; or gun down/run over crowds of unarmed tourists... He is a monster, and unworthy of worship or praise.

And, if you're willing to commit these acts without hesitation or second thoughts, there is something seriously wrong with you. For the good of not only humanity, but your family and yourself, please seek medical help immediately. 

As for how the rest of the world should deal with groups like ISIS, there is no simple, quick answer. Bombs and bullets won't completely eliminate the threat. (In fact, it seems to win over a few that are a "special" kind of stupid.) Yet, we can't simply hug or ignore them away either. (sometimes, force is required to get your point across.)

It seems to me, that the answer lies somewhere in the middle. America, and her allies, should be prepared to fight and kill when necessary. But, we should also try to take a more enlightened approach,  through outreach, education and aid for those oppressed under ISIS rule. Trying only one, or the other, isn't going to work, we need both.

The American Muslim community claims they are being discriminated against, and "Islamaphobia" is on the rise. But, what are they doing to distance themselves from the extremists, and educate the public on knowing the difference? (Answer: very little.) Every great now and then you see an Imam speaking out, but it's rare. 

If you want to stop ignorance, you need to teach and enlighten. You need to be out front, showing the world the difference between you and the bad guys, while exposing them wherever they try to hide amongst you. Only then will there be peace and understanding. 

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Same Old Regressive Tricks...

The recent story of "comedian" (term used very loosely) Kathy Griffin's failed attempt at political comedy, her premeditated apology and the insane aftermath, is neither new, nor surprising.

For those of you who may not know what I'm talking about... Never-was (has-been would give her far too much credit) comedian Kathy Griffin released a picture of her holding the life-like, bloodied and severed head of President Trump. Unfortunately for her, a video of the preparation for the photo shoot was released at the same time. 

In the video, Griffin is discussing the shoot with her photographer, telling him that they'll take the picture, then she'll make an apology,  and he may have to move to Mexico. All of this was done before  the picture was even taken.

Once the image was released, a disheveled, and makeupless Griffin appeared, right on cue, to apologize  (but not to Trump or his family directly). The apology was better scripted and rehearsed than any comedy routine she had ever done. It was absolutely robotic. 

President Trump responded  (on Twitter,  of course), by calling the photo, and her attempt at comedy, "disgusting", and saying his family (particularly his youngest son, Baron) was extremely upset by the image. (Who wouldn't be?)

Barely a day later, Griffin is back in front of the cameras, calling Trump and his family "bullies". Sobbing (unconvincingly), she claims to be bullied by the President and his family, and that she's "broken".

As I stated before,  this little ploy isn't anything new. It's a tactic the Left uses regularly,  especially since Trumps election. 

Step 1... say or do something incredibly offensive and disgusting.  Step 2... apologize, if there's any kind of backlash.  Step 3... Play the victim, and demonize the offended party. It's right out of the Sal Alinsky playbook, and there's nothing Regressives are better at (aside from spending other people's money) than playing the victim.

Not surprisingly, she's lost her job at CNN (she does the New Years show with Anderson Cooper every year), and just about any sponsors or public appearances she had. This was due to her actions (Not Trump's) and the decisions of all those whom let her go.

I believe firmly in the First Amendment, and that it applies to all U.S. citizens (even those I disagree with). I don't believe that she should be fired. However, she (like so many others) needs to learn that you can't have freedom,  without consequences. That's called anarchy or chaos.

I'm back (sort of)

Due to computer issues, I haven't been able to post anything in quite a while.  This has given me time to think  (which can be a very dangerous thing).

My tech issues still aren't fully resolved, so I won't be able to post as much, or as often as I would like. But, I will try to make an effort.

Stay tuned...