First of all, let me say that my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and family members of the Las Vegas massacre. May the Lord watch over you all, in these troubling times.
Next, I would like to say that this was a horrible and cowardly act, by a deranged and disturbed mind. Though it's important to learn his motives and what supposedly set him off (so that we can hopefully prevent it from happening again), absolutely nothing will ever justify his actions. No reason ever given, will make this okay.
These people weren't hurting anyone. They weren't threatening life, property or the country. They were simply enjoying a music festival, and trying to have a good time. As far as anyone can tell, there weren't any religious, political or social ideologies involved. The man just open fired on a defenseless crowd for the pure evil of it, making him a worthless piece of crap.
Which brings me to my next point... all the morons out there, using this tragedy to call for gun control/gun bans. Yes, I called them morons, and no, I won't apologize for it.
Right now, we barely know anything about the shooter. We don't have a clue about his motives, or even how he got the guns in the first place. Therefore, it's way to soon to start trying to push an agenda, and call for gun control.
As far as anyone can tell right now, any gun control measures ever called for, would not have prevented this incident from occurring. For all we know so far, he legally purchased and owned those weapons, or even stole them somewhere. In either case, more gun laws would not have helped at all.
To me, it's sickening, and speaks to their real character, when I hear people (like failed politician, Hillary Clinton) calling for gun control and wrongfully pointing the finger at people and groups, mere hours after something like this.
After hearing her tweet, wrongfully claiming the man used a silencer, and putting the blame on the NRA, all I can say, is "Thank God this disgusting excuse for a human being isn't our President!"
Anyway, this is a time for mourning, and finding out what really happened. Maybe, after we learn all the details, we can work on finding real solutions.
But, until then, Let's keep our ideology and agenda to ourselves... okay?
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