I have a simple (and extremely important) question for anyone who feels they can answer openly and completely honestly...
If I were to break into your house (without hurting or killing anyone), and just made myself at home, would you let me stay? What if, I broke into your home, and left my underaged child? Would you just shrug it off, and allow them to remain, without calling the police?
Of course, the answer is "No", in both cases. Because, I seriously doubt any of you would provide all our food, medical and education, simply because we showed up and demanded it.
But, that's okay. I wouldn't expect you to. That would be insane, right?
So then, how is it any more sane, to allow people to sneak into our country (or sneak their kids in), and then ignore our own laws to help them? I don't know about any of you, but my windows and doors have locks on them for a reason, and I control who has access to my house. So, why can't we lock our borders, and control who comes and goes that way as well?
Is it racist that I would call the police on a stranger sitting in my living room, eating my food and watching my TV? Is it racist that I would demand that they be removed immediately?
Illegal aliens don't have Constitutional rights. It may sound cold and harsh, but it's the truth. They aren't supposed to be able to buy guns, drive a car or vote in any elections (no more than I could sneak into their country and do the same). They are not "undocumented" because they violated a law to get here (or "their parents did", for those who seriously want to split hairs). That's why their true legal term is "illegal".
Our Constitution has very distinct rules concerning immigration. It also has regulations against aiding someone in the commission of an illegal act. This is the law, plain and simple. We can't just ignore it when it no longer matches our personal views and desires.
Hell, I hate paying income tax. But, if I stop, I go to jail. That is how the law works. And, if I use the money that should have paid the taxes, to set up a fund for my kids, they take the money away from them as well. Just because I broke the law, doesn't mean my kids get to benefit from it.
To carry the point further... If I then run from the police for tax evasion, and go to my sister's house. She can be punished, if she knowingly hides me from the authorities. This is why "sanctuary cities" are illegal as well.
Deporting people isn't immortal, or racist. It's following the law (laws that every country on Earth have to protect their own nation).
Yes, I do feel bad about the people brought here as children, and the families torn apart by immigration. However, the law is in place for a reason, they are in violation, and need to be dealt with accordingly.
If anything, the so-called Dreamers' parents are to blame for their families being ripped apart and separated. They knew we had laws, knew there could be consequences for breaking them, and came here illegally anyway.
So, don't tell me I'm heartless, for having these families torn apart. I'm not the one who knowingly and deliberately put my family through that in the first place.
I can understand wanting a better life for yourself and your family. But, you need to understand that there's a right way and a wrong way to get it. If you can't afford to come here legally, make changes to your own country. Be a positive force, that speaks out against corruption, and inspires others to demand liberty.
America is the greatest country on Earth, and almost everyone (except gang members, criminals and terrorist) are welcome. But, only if you play by all the rules, and do things the right way.
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