At the time of writing this, a new investigation has revealed yet another Clinton scandal. It seems (for all her bogus claims of Trump colluding with the Russians) that while she was out Secretary of State, Moscow donated hundreds of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation. Shortly there after, Secretary Clinton approved a deal to sell the Russians over twenty percent of our Uranium stores (look up the Uranium One Deal).
There are new emails (taken from Anthony Winner's laptop) that go into detail about Clinton's involvement in extortion, bribery and obstruction of justice (by trying to delete all evidence and cover it up) on the Uranium One Deal.
It isn't enough that she illegally kept sensitive, classified documents on an illegal, unsecured server; or that she then tries to hide, delete and bleach bit those documents. It isn't enough that she ignored or denied over six hundred security requests from Ambassador Chris Stevens, then ordered the Navy SEALS to stand down as four Americans (including Stevens) were murdered, or that she lied about the attack not being terrorism, but rather a protest over a YouTube video. It apparently doesn't matter that the Clinton Foundation (listed as a non-profit charity) only spends twenty percent of its income on charitable efforts, and is currently missing billions of dollars without any explanation.
I've said it before, and I'll gladly say it again... I would love to see a woman win the White House. I think it's long overdue. But, not THIS woman. She's a criminal, and the worst kind of scum in Washington.
She really does disgust me, and I truly wish someone would do their damned job and lock her up. No one is supposed to be above the law in America. But, I guess that doesn't apply to anyone named Clinton.
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