The time has come to get real on healthcare, and to expose a few lies and misconceptions along the way.
The so-called "Affordable Healthcare Act" (Obamacare), is nothing more than a gigantic, unconstitutional, money-sucking quagmire. It was America's first national attempt to ease into government controlled, socialized medicine, and it's failing miserably (no big surprise there).
It's costing the country trillions of dollars, forcing people who can't really afford it to buy insurance they don't want/need, and providing us with ever increasing premiums with equally decreasing coverage. It was designed (like every other entitlement) to get poor people so dependant upon it, they can't live without it, and then to collapse at the worst possible time, without constant bailouts.
For seven long years, nearly every Republican in Congress has ran on the promise to repeal and replace this unpopular disaster of a law. This one pledge has been the single most winningest strategy in U.S. political history. And, for seven years, the voters gave them everything they claimed to need to do away with Obamacare. We gave them the House, they said they needed the Senate. We gave them the Senate, they needed the Presidency. Each time we gave, all we got in return were a bunch of lame, tired excuses.
President Trump was right, when he said that it was easy for Republicans to promise to get rid of Obamacare, when they knew the Democrats could (and would) stop it. But, now that they are the majority, their true colors are showing. They're a bunch of frauds and liars, who never intended to do the job they were elected to do.
It would be easy (if not intellectually dishonest) to defend them, by saying they don't want to replace one bad law with another. But, the truth is, most of them are not even really trying. They've had seven years to come up with something better! And, most of the "no" votes are from people offering amendments they know will never work, or pass. (It's called a "poison pill", and is meant to deliberately kill a potentially popular bill.)
Let's be completely honest here... there are quite a few like RINO Senator John McCain, who ran on repeal, but never intended to actually do it, and absolutely hate President Trump. McCain is one of at least a dozen so-called Republicans that is so intent on making sure Trump doesn't get a win, he gladly sacrifices the nation for his own pride.
Yes, I am aware that the man was a war hero and a POW in Vietnam. But, now he's resting on his laurels, and being a lying obstructionist (to use one of Obama's terms). Though I am thankful for his military service, I can't help but wonder what that younger McCain would have thought about the bitter, dishonest older man he became.
McCain, and others are claiming they can't support the new repeal, unless the President includes the Democrats in the process. They know this is a dead end, because there is no way any Democrat will vote to get rid of their only achievement in the past eight years. They all insist on keeping it, and only making minor changes here or there to "fix" it. It can't be "fixed", and the Republicans didn't win by pledging to keep it, or any part of it. They won solidly, by promising to get rid of it, period.
Another villain in this mess, is Senator Rand Paul. Paul claims one of his biggest issues with repeal, is the desire to give healthcare back to the states, and let them decide how to run it. Apparently, Senator Paul (who is normally pretty good with the Constitution) has forgotten about a little thing called the Tenth Amendment, that gives any power not directly assigned to the government back to the states and the people. Go ahead and look it up, controlling healthcare isn't listed anywhere in the Constitution as a governmental right. It belongs to the states.
The worry is, certain states will misuse the funds, or attempt experimental healthcare systems and leave the poor worse off. But, that is how America is supposed to work. Everyone has the right to succeed or fail of their own accord, without government interference or bailouts. If California or New York try single-payer healthcare, and it fails (as it must by design), that's on them, and not a more successful state's problem. That's Capitalism, and America!
The long and short of it all is this... You were elected because you promised to do a job. So, do It! If you don't, it's your fault and no one else's when you lose your seat in Congress. There won't be any point in blaming Trump (though I'm sure the lying cowards will try).
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