Once upon a time... I used to live in a country that was built upon freedom and individual rights. It was a nation that set trends and blazed trails, rather than followed the herd and modeled itself off other nations.
This was a strong and proud country, where the people were free to speak their minds (even if no one else agreed with them), and worked hard for the things they wanted/needed in life. They didn't ask for permission to live a certain way, or worry about how their neighbors may be living (as long as it didn't interfere with their life or property). They didn't want or need the government's intervention and intrusion into their jobs, their health, their lives.
We were a nation that welcomed people seeking a better life with open arms, as long as they came to us legally and abided by our laws while here. We believed in true equality, rather than "leveling the playing field" so that some could benefit off the work of others.
In my country, a person had God-given rights, no man (woman, or "other") was ever supposed to be able to take away. Each and every legal citizen was entitled to earn their own living, keep a large majority of what they earned, and freely spend their earnings however they saw fit. We had the right to protect ourselves, our family and friends, our property and even our country, without the permission or approval of anyone else (including our elected officials). No one could tell us how many guns we could own, what kind of bullets to use, or where to purchase them. And, if some criminally insane moron open fired on a crowd of innocent civilians, we didn't blame the guns, or even all legal gun owners. We blamed the person at fault. (I know, what a radical concept!)
In the country I remember, we were free to disagree with each other and the President, without throwing temper tantrums, and demanding a "safe space" (with a blanky and a pacifier). If the country voted for someone we didn't like, we still respected their position, and worked hard to vote them out the next time. We didn't call for shady and legally questionable prosecutors to go on year long fishing expeditions, searching for even the slightest reason (even if it was made up) to try and impeach him.
This was a country our allies had faith in, our enemies feared and respected, and our celebrities/athletes kept most of their political opinions private. Our officials understood that they're public "servants" (meaning they serve us), and it was their duty to uphold our will. We didn't just blindly follow whatever they decided was best for us, and we refused to allow them to divide us for their own personal and political gain.
Yes, we had our share of problems, and it wasn't exactly a utopia. But, I can promise you this... America was a whole hell of a lot better when I was a kid, than it is today. I can also tell you with absolute certainty that, the very people who've always claimed that we're not free, great or fair (the same ones still claiming that now), are the exact reason we aren't. You can't complain about the flames, when you're the one burning down the house.
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