A lot has been said, this past week, about President Trump's meetings with the Democrats on the debt ceiling, and his dinner with them over immigration issues.
I have heard a lot of complaints from the Democrats I know, that this is some kind of trick, and he can't be trusted. While some Republicans are screaming that he betrayed them, and was never a true Conservative.
Quite a few seem genuinely surprised that I'm not mortally outraged by Trump's apparent defection.
The plain truth of the matter is, why should I be?
Isn't it the job of the President to reach across the aisle, and find as many non-partisan solutions to problems, as he/she can? The last time I checked, he was elected President of the United States of America, not the Republican States, or the Conservative States.
If the Republicans want to get upset at the President for going to the Democrats, they really have no one to blame but themselves.
They had eight years to fulfill their promises to the American people. Eight very long years to repeal Obamacare, strengthen our borders, reform our tax code... etc. And instead, all we've gotten from them is one lame excuse after another.
When we elected Trump, it was because we believed he would actually accomplish these things (and God knows he's tried). We believed that we finally had everything the career Republican politicians claimed they needed to do their job.
But, instead of fulfilling their long over due promises, they basically sided with the Democrats first, by rejecting any and everything the President has tried to do (even when it perfectly aligns with the agenda they've always claimed to support).
Therefore, what choice did Donald Trump have, but to go to the Democrats to get something done? Granted, they were never going to give him (or the majority of the American people) everything he wanted. But, unlike the never-Trump RINOS (like John McCain), the Democrats were at least willing to talk about it, and possibly compromise.
America is divided enough already, without our elected officials acting like spoiled children, and widening the gap. If you don't like the President turning to your opponents, then grow the hell up, and do the job you were elected to do.
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