Well, here it is... time for round two of "Words You Really Must Know". We'll call this one the "Immigration Edition".
Illegal n. -Not according to or authorized by law. So basically, anything that goes against an official law or rule. Simple, right?
Then, why in the hell can't Regressives get it through their thick heads that, if you sneak into this country, or overstay your visa, YOU ARE VIOLATING THE LAW??? The argument over "criminal" or "non-criminal" immigrants is pointless and irrelevant. If they didn't go through proper channels to get/stay here, they've already broken the law (meaning, they are a criminal).
Criminal n. -a person who has committed a crime. Another easy one.
America is a society of laws, it's what holds our country together. Like every other country on the planet, we have a set of immigration laws, designed and put into place to protect our citizens, our economy and our sovereignty. Anyone (regardless of reasoning or circumstance), who violates these laws is a criminal... end of story.
Sanctuary n. -A place of refuge, peace and safety.
Isn't it ironic that the majority of these so-called "Sanctuary Cities" are some of the most violent and crime-ridden places in the United States? Plus, isn't "sanctuary" from the law actually called "harboring a fugitive" (which is also an illegal act)? Politicians and police have a duty to uphold the laws of our nation. They don't have the authority, or the right, to pick and choose which to follow, and which to ignore.
Well, there we have it. A few more words added to our vocabulary for the inevitable posts and debates around immigration and deportation.
I hope this cleared up a few issues. However, if you're a Regressive, I seriously doubt that it did. Either way, it was fun.
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