The Book of 1 Corinthians 13:11 (in the Bible, for those of you needing clarity) says, "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. But, when I became a man, I put away childish things."
It's time to put away our childish things, America.
It's time to stop with all the juvenile, downright ignorant and dangerous obstructionism, and find some way to work together for the strength and welfare of our nation.
You don't like President Trump? Fine. Lock yourself in your "safe place", cry and kick your feet. Just don't come back out, until you can at least pretend to be an adult human being.
Don't like our current healthcare system? Okay... Write down all of the things you want to see in a new plan, and all the things you don't, then call for a line for line vote. The items that get the most votes stay, and those that don't get tossed. No one will get everything they want, nut that's democracy... deal with it.
Want to be reelected, and stay in power (or regain power)? Wonderful. Start listening to the people you want to vote for you, and at least try to keep even one of your promises, for once in your damned life. The Liberal press loves to point out President Trump's low poll numbers. What they conveniently fail to point out, is that his numbers are considerably and consistently higher than the media's, or any of his detractors in Congress. The reason for this is he's at least on record as trying to keep his promises.
Don't like how divided the country has become? Sure. Then stop supporting politicians, activists and a media that not only cause the divide, but earn a living off of keeping it going. Stop telling people they're racist just because they disagree with you, or you're not getting your way. All Lives Matter, so quit using racism as an excuse to be racist.
You want peace, and an end to war? Great! You'll only have it when you defend yourself, and stand up to your enemies/bullies. Allowing evil men to gain access to nuclear weapons, threaten your country, and either apologizing to them, or paying them off, doesn't work. No one respects a nation that makes empty threats, tries to buy peace, or does nothing to defend itself. If you truly want to stop Russia, Iran and North Korea from making threats and overstepping their boundaries, you have to stand up to them and show them you're ready, willing and able to fight.
All this whining, name calling and petty bickering we're doing, means nothing. It only divides us further, and will only destroy this great nation someday. Let's get it together, pull our heads out of our collective backsides, and start using a little common sense.
Childhood's over. It's time to grow up, America.
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