A racist group, calling themselves the "White Nationalist" were staging a protest in Charlottesville, Virginia over the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Members of the equally racist and divisive (but opposite ideology) ANTIFA group showed up to counter protest.
Long story short, a riot broke out, when the two sides met, and the police were caught in the middle. Then, some idiot with the white supremacist side, drove his car into a crowd of ANTIFA demonstrators, killing one and injuring nineteen others.
This, in and of itself, is bad enough. But, the press just couldn't let it be what it was, a clash of morons. No, they had to poke the bear, by calling the White Nationalist, the "alt-right, and try to link them to President Trump.
Even though Trump was the first government official to speak out against the violence and the hate groups in Virginia, most still continue to claim he didn't do enough. Many are calling for the President to once again formally denounce event keynote speaker, David Duke (a former Grand Wizard of the KKK, whose support for Trump was already denounce during the Presidential race last year).
This is all just a bunch of nonsense! Denouncing Duke, yet again, will do absolutely nothing. The anti-Trump Regressives won't accept it, and will still complain he didn't go far enough. While, anyone with two functioning brain cells and eyes to see, already knows he has nothing to do with David Duke.
Then, there's the true problem we're still facing in this country... The "Great Divide", as I'm beginning to call it.
We have fallen prey to deliberate attempts to divide our society with the old "us versus them" ploy. Everyone is a victim of someone else, and everyone has a right to be offended. We're being sold the lies that America is full of racist oppressors, "ists" and "phobes" around every corner.
We're being taught to highlight other people's flaws, differences and behaviors, while ignoring our own. We're pressured into seeing the world as either all good (us) or pure and irredeemable evil (them), with no middle ground, or room for debate.
Here's a hint for all of you out there (no matter which side you're on, or who you vote for)... If your values, beliefs and/or groups you belong to, focus on race (either your own, or anyone else's) it's a hate group, and it's evil and wrong. I don't care if you're the White Nationalist, or Black Lives Matter, you're a racist, and you need to open your eyes to the truth.
We are all human beings, and we're all God's children. Racism will never truly die, until we can acknowledge this fact, and truly live by the teachings of both Jesus Christ and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Real racism is actually rare and was on the decline until a few years ago. We need to go back to marginalizing those who hate, and use hate to divide us, instead of shining a light on them, and following their rhetoric.
In the words of Dr. King, "Darkness cannot push out darkness. Only light can. And hate cannot drive our hate. Only love can."
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