Thursday, August 31, 2017

Race and Getting Ahead in Life

I think the time has come for a Great Awakening, and a Great Healing in America. It's time to put aside all of our petty differences, and begin to focus on the things that made us great in the first place.

We need to reject all forms of racism and hatred, wherever it may be found. Not just those that are politically or ideologically approved.

Speak truth, not only to power, but to the masses awash in their own brand of corruption and bigotry. And, stop allowing others to be your voice and your conscience.

Most of us know what's right, and what's wrong. We don't need peer pressure and mob mentality to guide us. It's time that we acted upon it, and lived by it.

You know it's wrong to hate a person, or a whole group of people, because of their skin color. It doesn't matter which lame excuse you may use to justify it; it's just plain wrong. That goes for everyone of every race, whether you're the KKK, the White Nationalist, ANTIFA, or Black Lives Matter.

There is no "White Priveledge" or "Black Power" anymore. If you are down, and oppressed, only you have the power and ability to get yourself out of that situation.

This is America, where (despite the lies you're being told) you still have the choice and opportunity to change your situation.

I was raised in a ghetto for part of my childhood. But, I knew that didn't mean I had to remain there. And,  my skin color had absolutely nothing to do with getting me out. It was a combination of education,  hard work, attitude and the determination to strive for better things (not to mention, a whole lot of grace from God).

I struggled, just like anyone living in or below poverty, and I didn't always make the best choices. But, so far, I have overcome, and pushed through. And, there's nothing unique or special about my story. Anyone can do it, if they just try.

Despite what all the dividers and race-baiters put there love to claim, no one ever gave me a damned thing because I was white. There's no exclusive club, or select membership I'm aware of.  Everything I have, I worked hard for, and earned on my own. I did it by acting like a civilized human being, and playing by the established rules of our society.

Whether you're white, black, brown, purple or green, you're never going to get anywhere in life by playing the victim, or blaming others for your own inactions or misdeeds.

If you want that six figure job, do what it takes to make yourself worthy of it. Get an education, dress like you've got an ounce of self-respect, learn how to treat others in a courteous manner, and seek out people who can help you achieve your goals.

You can't dress like a common criminal, or like you just rolled out of bed and have given up on life, and expect things to be just handed to you. You can't go to job interview, barely able to read or write, and expect to get a job. It's no one's fault but your own, if you'd rather sell drugs, or collect welfare, than do what it takes to succeed.

There's no secret to success in life (especially here in America). Everyone actually knows exactly what it takes to get ahead. Play by the rules, dream big, work hard, and keep picking yourself up when you fail. Sooner or later, you'll get there.

Stop using race as an excuse, and start doing what's right for you and your family. Help each other out, but don't enable laziness, addiction and ignorance.

And most of all, know that God truly does love you, and wants you to succeed (whether you believe in Him or not).

We're all in this together. God bless, and good luck.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Identifying Real Racism

You know, one of the biggest issues with racism today, is how hard it is to identify by modern standards. Some of the things we currently consider "racist", would have simply been ignored or laughed at a generation or two ago.

Now days, there are large factions out there, trying hard to make racial hatred a political or ideological issue, when it's actually neither. They muddy the waters by claiming anything that goes against them and their fragile beliefs is racist in nature.

For anyone that is confused, allow me to give a couple of examples to help you see the difference...

1. Colin Kaepernick. A 29 year old, African-American, that was making millions in the NFL. In order to stay relevant and stir up controversy, he began "protesting", by kneeling during the National Anthem before games. This angered the majority of the fans (The reason he was paid millions to play in the first place.), and got him benched for the rest of the season. He went free agent, and now none of the teams will sign him, so he immediately screams they are racist.

Easily 70% of the NFL is African-American  (compared to only 13% of the U.S. population), and the majority of those make over $10 million per contracted year. That is not racism in any way, shape or form.

Kaepernick can't find a team to sign him, because no one wants the controversy, or lost revenues he brings to the table. He's toxic, and it has nothing to do with race. Unless of course, you count his hypocritical race-baiting he's doing now (with the help of the NAACP).

2. Former Arizona Sheriff, Joe Arpaio. For decades, Sheriff Joe has made a name for himself and Maricopa County, Arizona, by being tough on illegal aliens in his jurisdiction. His raids and arrests became the stuff of legend, and won him several re-elections, as well as the respect of the nation.

However, recently, the political winds changed in Arizona, and the Liberals finally got a firm foothold. One of the first things on their agenda, was to undermine all immigration efforts, and declare cities like Phoenix "sanctuaries" for aliens. So, of course, Sheriff Joe had to go.

They ordered him (and other sheriffs) not to enforced federal immigration and deportation laws (which is illegal). And, when he refused to comply with their unlawful order, they stripped him of his position, then charged him with contempt of court. All for upholding the law!

President Trump has just pardoned him of his "crimes", and now the Regressives are having another fit, screaming "racism".

I hate to break it to you (actually, I don't), but we have immigration laws in this country for a reason. It's not racist to want to protect you citizens, resources and borders, no more than locking your doors on your house and cars is racist. If we're going to permit people to simply ignore the laws they don't agree with, then why bother having laws at all? Why arrest and try people for anything at all? I'm sure most criminals don't agree with the laws they violate.

Anyway, the point I'm trying to make here is this... Yes, real racism does still exist in America,  but it's far more rare than the media and race-baiters would have you believe. And, when you cry racism at every little thing that doesn't go your way, no one will listen (or care) when you encounter actual racism.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Failed President?

Lately, there's been a lot of talk in the Liberal media about how President Trump hasn't really accomplished anything so far. Some are going as far as to refer to him as a "failed" President, and pointing to the attempts to repeal Obamacare as proof.

First of all, this is a blatant lie, and the people saying it know better. President Trump has accomplished quite a bit already. Getting Gorsuch confirmed and appointed, bombing Syria for using chemical weapons (instead of drawing an imaginary line he was never going to enforce), passing forty-six bills through Congress, lowering both the actual unemployment rate and the number of illegal aliens sneaking into our country, getting China to approve sanctions on North Korea, getting NATO member countries to pay their fair share... The list goes on.

The truly incredible thing, is when you look at everything he's had to face to get any of it done.

Granted, Obama had to deal with a few "obstructionists" and "Birthers", but nowhere near what Trump is seeing.

The "birthers" were a small fringe element (including Trump), who held no real power, and we're widely ridiculed by even the people on the Right (their own side). Obama could have easily shut them up (rather than keep it going, like he did) by showing his birth certificate sooner.

Trump, on the other hand, has the Russian Collusion Delusion, and no way to shut them up, until they finally admit there's no proof.

Obama called all the Republicans "obstructionists", when only a handful actually resisted him at all cost. Most only "obstructed" him when his plans or agenda didn't match their own. (That's why we have more than one party, it's called democracy and politics.) He rarely ever had any Democrats against him on any issue (nevermind every issue). Again, when they did, it was for policy reasons, not personal.

On the flipside, Trump has been dealing with the Democrats' "resist movement", and a healthy dose of RINOs (Republican In Name Only). Both of the groups have made it amply clear that they find him personally distasteful and offensive, and will never side with him, no matter what the issue. If he found a way to cure all disease for free to everyone, they would vote against it, just because he did it. That's not democracy, it's childish, stupid and putting our country in danger over a petty grudge.

Then, there's the "Obama Darlings" (as they were actually called more than once)... The media. Like them or not, our news services in America go a long way to shape public opinion on people or issues. As much as some like to claim they hate the news, the only way to really get any information  (or most misinformation) about a politician or an issue, is through the media.

During his Presidency, the media never missed a chance to sing Obama's praises, give him a pass when he screwed up, and downplay or spin anything he did against American principles or Constitutional law. For the most part, the media has been Obama's personal cheering squad for the past eight years  (and still are).

Trump however, has had to deal with an openly hostile, unapologetically biased media with no morals or scruples. He has to figure out how to get his message out, despite the outright lies, misdirections and made up stories from so-called journalists people depend upon for presumably factual information.  So far this year CNN, MSNBC and the New York Times has had to retract at least seventeen stories about Trump that were blatantly untrue (with countless others they still refuse to acknowledge as untrue). Stacked against this level of corruption, it's no wonder the President has to use Twitter and campaign style rallies to get his message to the people.

I've said it plenty of times before, Donald Trump is far from perfect as a President. But, he's a hell of a lot better than what we jad, and what we almost had. Before you criticize the President's supposed inability to get thing done, perhaps you should look at what he has actually done, and all the things he has to overcome.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Solar Eclipse 2017

Isn't it amazing, how just when you're ready to throw in the towel, and give up on humanity, something happens to give you at least a little glimmer of hope?

Today, with my family, I watched the total eclipsed; a once-in-a-lifetime event. Though I was impressed with the awesome beauty of the convergence of our moon and sun, I was more impressed with the people around us.

For a brief moment, we were all simply human beings, united to watch one of the world's natural wonders together. There were no racist, sexist, homophobes, straight bashers, atheist or religious zealots. I didn't see any Republicans or Democrats, Liberals or Conservatives, no Obama haters or anti-Trumpers. We were all Americans and human beings. It was peaceful and glorious.

It started me wondering, when was the last time our country actually felt unified? Then, the answer came to me... September 12th, 2001. The day after the towers fell.

On that day, we were all one people, united in our grief, and against a common enemy. No one cared who you voted for in the last election, or what color your skin was. It didn't matter if you were gay or straight.  All that mattered was being there for your fellow citizens, your fellow human beings.

It shouldn't take a great (or tragic) event to bring us all together. We shouldn't need a reason, or excuse, to find common ground with others. We should already be practicing this every day.

Of course, the good will didn't last. (It never does.) The media immediately returned to tearing into the President for not wearing eye protection, and his latest comments on the racial divide.

Tomorrow, the news will be filled with more "scandals" and horrific tweets, and the so-called "new normal" will be in full swing, once more.  But, for at least a few minutes today, there was peace, brotherhood, and civility.

Here's hoping we can get it all back for good, someday soon.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Free Speech

A quick look at Yahoo earlier (I know, I know... why do I bother?) Informed me that the "Free Speech" rally in Boston was "cut short" by anti-protesters. The article went on glowingly about how the "Conservative White Nationalist" were stopped by an overwhelmingly larger crowd (which included members of both ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter).

The problem is, all this was predicted yesterday on a couple of Fox News shows, by the event's organizers. They correctly pointed out which hate groups would be there to shut them down, and how they would incorrectly tie the rally to White Nationalist (even though none were invited, and only one of the speakers at the event was even white).

The rally was meant as a way to show public support and defense of all of our Constitutional right to free speech. It was open to everyone, of every race, creed or religion, and wasn't focused on elevating or tearing down one group over any others. But, there's a reason why I call the kinds of people demonstrating against these things "Regressives".

Their true colors were glaringly exposed for all the world to see today.

Will it matter? Of course not. The media will never sink to the level of reporting the actual truth about this. Even if they did, half our country is too indoctrinated and misinformed to care. And, almost no one seems smart enough to look beyond their fake, momentary outrage, to see the bigger picture here.

For the last few years, idiots on college campuses have been rioting and threatening violence, to prevent anyone they don't agree with from speaking. Anyone that has any sort of argument that differs from the Left's opinions, is branded some sort of "ist" or "phobe". And, they do it all, while claiming to be defending against "hate speech".

Let me explain something to you, snowflake... Legally, the is no such thing as "hate speech". Scour the books, Constitution, or any official document you like. You won't find it anywhere.

That's because, in order for it to become a legal and viable term, it has to be defined by a central authority.

Now, think this through for once... if you're a Liberal, and the Conservatives are in charge, do you really want them deciding what's legally considered hateful and punishable by law? (The same applies if you're a Conservative under Liberal rule).

Who really should have the authority to decide? What I find hateful and offensive, you may consider normal and tolerable.

Here's another piece of mind candy for your starving little brains...

The First Amendment guarantees us the right to speak freely. It does not state, "only if approved by the government or society". It was written to protect everyone's right to speak their mind, no matter how ignorant or offensive what they say may be. (The only exception to this are calls for violence or  direct harm to others.) The reason is simple, you don't need to protect speech that everyone agrees with. That would be redundant and stupid.

As much as I hate racists of any kind (White Nationalist, La Raza, Black Lives Matter... etc.), I defend their right to speak. If for no other reason than, I would rather have them spewing their garbage out in the open (so I can identify them), than hiding in the shadows, like the cowards they really are.

Monday, August 14, 2017


We live in a time where everyone  is being stuffed into ever tighter, more exclusive little boxes. In the names of "diversity" and "tolerance", we celebrate the things that make us different from everyone else, and ridicule anyone not like us.

I am an American.

Aside from being a Christian, this is the only other trait I identify with, or allow to define me. I am not a "white man", a "straight man", a "Conservative", or even an "Independent". All of these things are true about me, but they are not "who I am". (No more than my arm is the entirety of my body.)

When I was younger, it was considered to be a good thing to have friends and acquaintances that were different than you. It was okay for a Republican to be buddies with a Democrat, or a cat person to hang out with dog people. We may have civilly disagreed on certain issues, but could still be friends, without hostility, demonization,or threats of rioting and violence.

Yes, there were racists and bigots back then, but they generally outed themselves through their words and deeds. They didn't need equal and opposite bigots on the other side to expose them. And, the general public mocked, ridiculed and marginalized them. We didn't give them credence and validation by throwing fits and behaving just as badly as they did.

In the last eight years (and especially in the past several months), I have lost some pretty close "friends" and even a few family members, just because they couldn't see past their own ideology, or look beyond mine. In every single case, I tried to extend the olive branch to them, and show them that their was more than just the things we disagree about, only to have them decide to turn their back on me anyway. It truly is their loss, and I really do feel sorry for them.

It's easy (and lazy) to just befriend people who are the same as you. It sets up a comfort zone, and you never have to really think about what you believe, or why.

The real challenge is finding people opposite of your beliefs, and building a true friendship with them anyway. You constantly learn to see things from a different perspective, and are always reevaluating you beliefs and values. Those that remain are strengthened and reinforced. Those that are shaken and weak, are changed or discarded. In the end (hopefully) both sides learn something new, and the bond between you grows stronger.

That's the way it should be.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Charlottesville Virginia

Once again, things have gotten stupid, and our media can't help themselves; they just have to add fuel to the fire.

A racist group, calling themselves the "White Nationalist" were staging a protest in Charlottesville, Virginia over the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Members of the equally racist and divisive (but opposite ideology) ANTIFA group showed up to counter protest.

Long story short, a riot broke out, when the two sides met, and the police were caught in the middle. Then, some idiot with the white supremacist side, drove his car into a crowd of ANTIFA demonstrators, killing one and injuring nineteen others.

This, in and of itself, is bad enough. But, the press just couldn't let it be what it was, a clash of morons. No, they had to poke the bear, by calling the White Nationalist, the "alt-right, and try to link them to President Trump.  

Even though Trump was the first government official to speak out against the violence and the hate groups in Virginia,  most still continue to claim he didn't do enough. Many are calling for the President to once again formally denounce event keynote speaker, David Duke (a former Grand Wizard of the KKK, whose support for Trump was already denounce during the Presidential race last year).

This is all just a bunch of nonsense! Denouncing Duke, yet again, will do absolutely nothing. The anti-Trump Regressives won't accept it, and will still complain he didn't go far enough. While, anyone with two functioning brain cells and eyes to see, already knows he has nothing to do with David Duke. 

Then, there's the true problem we're still facing in this country... The "Great Divide", as I'm beginning to call it.

We have fallen prey to deliberate attempts to divide our society with the old "us versus them" ploy. Everyone is a victim of someone else, and everyone has a right to be offended. We're being sold the lies that America is full of racist oppressors, "ists" and "phobes" around every corner. 

We're being taught to highlight other people's flaws, differences and behaviors, while ignoring our own. We're pressured into seeing the world as either all good (us) or pure and irredeemable evil (them), with no middle ground, or room for debate.

Here's a hint for all of you out there (no matter which side you're on, or who you vote for)... If your values, beliefs and/or groups you belong to, focus on race (either your own, or anyone else's) it's a hate group, and it's evil and wrong. I don't care if you're the White Nationalist, or Black Lives Matter, you're a racist, and you need to open your eyes to the truth. 

We are all human beings, and we're all God's children. Racism will never truly die, until we can acknowledge this fact, and truly live by the teachings of both Jesus Christ and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Real racism is actually rare and was on the decline until a few years ago. We need to go back to marginalizing those who hate, and use hate to divide us, instead of shining a light on them, and following their rhetoric.

In the words of Dr. King, "Darkness cannot push out darkness. Only light can. And hate cannot drive our hate. Only love can."

Grow Up

The Book of 1 Corinthians 13:11 (in the Bible, for those of you needing clarity) says, "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. But, when I became a man, I put away childish things."

It's time to put away our childish things, America.

It's time to stop with all the juvenile, downright ignorant and dangerous obstructionism, and find some way to work together for the strength and welfare of our nation.

You don't like President Trump? Fine. Lock yourself in your "safe place", cry and kick your feet. Just don't come back out, until you can at least pretend to be an adult human being.

Don't like our current healthcare system? Okay... Write down all of the things you want to see in a new plan, and all the things you don't, then call for a line for line vote. The items that get the most votes stay, and those that don't get tossed. No one will get everything they want, nut that's democracy... deal with it.

Want to be reelected, and stay in power (or regain power)? Wonderful. Start listening to the people you want to vote for you, and at least try to keep even one of your promises, for once in your damned life. The Liberal press loves to point out President Trump's low poll numbers. What they conveniently fail to point out, is that his numbers are considerably and consistently higher than the media's, or any of his detractors in Congress. The reason for this is he's at least on record as trying to keep his promises.

Don't like how divided the country has become? Sure. Then stop supporting politicians, activists and a media that not only cause the divide, but earn a living off of keeping it going. Stop telling people they're racist just because they disagree with you, or you're not getting your way. All Lives Matter, so quit using racism as an excuse to be racist.

You want peace, and an end to war? Great! You'll only have it when you defend yourself, and stand up to your enemies/bullies. Allowing evil men to gain access to nuclear weapons, threaten your country, and either apologizing to them, or paying them off, doesn't work. No one respects a nation that makes empty threats, tries to buy peace, or does nothing to defend itself. If you truly want to stop Russia, Iran and North Korea from making threats and overstepping their boundaries, you have to stand up to them and show them you're ready, willing and able to fight.

All this whining, name calling and petty bickering we're doing, means nothing. It only divides us further, and will only destroy this great nation someday. Let's get it together, pull our heads out of our collective backsides, and start using a little common sense.

Childhood's over. It's time to grow up, America.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Words You Really Must Know 2

Well, here it is... time for round two of "Words You Really Must Know". We'll call this one the "Immigration Edition".

Illegal n. -Not according to or authorized by law. So basically, anything that goes against an official law or rule. Simple, right?

Then, why in the hell can't Regressives get it through their thick heads that, if you sneak into this country, or overstay your visa, YOU ARE VIOLATING THE LAW??? The argument over "criminal" or "non-criminal" immigrants is pointless and irrelevant.  If they didn't go through proper channels to get/stay here, they've already broken the law (meaning, they are a criminal).

Criminal n. -a person who has committed a crime. Another easy one.

America is a society of laws, it's what holds our country together. Like every other country on the planet, we have a set of immigration laws, designed and put into place to protect our citizens, our economy and our sovereignty. Anyone (regardless of reasoning or circumstance), who violates these laws is a criminal... end of story.

Sanctuary n. -A place of refuge, peace and safety.

Isn't it ironic that the majority of these so-called "Sanctuary Cities" are some of the most violent and crime-ridden places in the United States? Plus, isn't "sanctuary" from the law actually called "harboring a fugitive" (which is also an illegal act)? Politicians and police have a duty to uphold the laws of our nation. They don't have the authority, or the right, to pick and choose which to follow, and which to ignore.

Well, there we have it. A few more words added to our vocabulary for the inevitable posts and debates around immigration and deportation.

I hope this cleared up a few issues. However, if you're a Regressive, I seriously doubt that it did. Either way, it was fun.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Give credit where it's due

Where have you gone America? And, more importantly, is it too late to bring you back?

Shortly after Donald Trump was elected, he took decisive action against Syrian President Assad, for using chemical weapons against his own people. After years of flaccid, empty threats never backed up, by former President Obama, the majority of the people (and even the world) took notice, and hailed "America is back!"

Since then, the Trump administration has made steps (or at least attempted to) to strengthen our military, economy, borders and trade agreements. If anyone out there bothered to actually take an honest look at what the man has accomplished, and what he's trying to get done, there would be no doubt that we're on our way back.

Unfortunately, and for reasons that defy all sanity and logic, he's meeting with resistance from all sides every step of the way, and having to drag us back into greatness, kicking and screaming.

It boggles the mind, the lengths so many will go through, simply to deny him even the slightest win. Congressmen and Senators from both sides of the aisle, repeatedly prove that they would rather watch the country burn, than side with the President on even the most basic issues.

There should be no honest reason for debate or dissent on most of these matters facing our government today. Everyone should know that our borders need to be secured, and that insurance companies are killing the people with unfair premiums. We all know that breaking a law makes you a criminal, therefore anyone violating immigration laws is illegal. And, harboring a fugitive is a direct violation of the law, making so-called "sanctuary cities" illegal as well.

"Actions speak louder than words", as the old saying goes. Donald Trump ran on the slogan, "Make America Great Again", and when you cut through all the spin, lies and outright BS, you can easily see clear attempts to keep his promises. Just about every Republican in Congress ran on promises of repealing and replacing Obamacare, and aside from a few weak and half-hearted attempts every now and then, it's also clear they never really intended to. Obama and the Democrats have always ran on identity politics and "fundamentally changing" (read as: "destroying") America. They gave us the epicly failing Obamacare, a divided society of victims and entitlements, and college kids who want "safe spaces" while they decide which bathroom they should be using.

The failure to repeal Obamacare isn't the President's fault. It's the Republican party's, and the Democrats that gave us this steaming pile in the first place. But, we all know that Trump will get the blame.

This has gone past the point of disagreeing with the man, beyond ridiculousness,  and sailed way over the head of sheer stupidity. It's past time to stop throwing your little tantrums, and start doing your part to help our nation.

For the mainstream news, and a lot of Regressives out there... your part means shut up, and let the man do the job he was elected for.

Grand Jury Witch Hunt

It seems Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is now convening a grand jury to go after President Trump and his son Donald Jr. This will most likely mean bad things for the President.

Not because he's guilty of any sort of "collusion" with the Russians  (they've even admitted they won't get him on that). But, because a grand jury doesn't have to play by the same rules as a normal trial has to follow. They don't even have to stick to the specific charges leveled against him (and they're not).

Mueller has opened an investigation into Trump's finances and business holdings.  This had nothing to do with why he was appointed, and there were no specific accusations of wrong doing in these areas.

This is a dangerous precedence, which could undermine our entire system of laws.

In the past, a grand jury was only convened once there was specific evidence to warrant a hearing. (Sort of like a DA would on go to trial if they had enough evidence to support their case.) So much proof is generally required, that Grand Juries are seldom used in Presidential matters.

It is the job of the Jury to look at all the findings of the investigation and the Special Prosecutor, then determine guilt or innocence (like a judge).

The problem here is, Mueller is calling forth the Grand Jury with no evidence of the initial "crime" (collusion with the Russians), and plans to look into, and present, unrelated evidence. If allowed to continue (and he probably will be), Mueller will be able to offer anything he wants as "evidence" of anything he wants, and for as long as he needs to prove Trump is guilty of a crime.

This is basically like a police officer being allowed to follow you around, without probable cause, until you finally do step out of line. It's unethical, and at least in America, we're supposed to have laws against fishing expeditions like this.

All I can say is, if Mueller succeeds in his vendetta against Trump, you can count on two things...

The Regressives will pat themselves on the back, and claim what a good thing they accomplished.

And, democracy as we know it, will be officially dead.  There will no longer be any reason to vote, because the losing side will just throw tantrums until your vote is overturned. That's a dictatorship, or a fascist state. It's not democracy, and it's not America.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Tucker Carlson

I have a confession... One of the few news/commentary shows I truly enjoy watching, is the Tucker Carlson Tonight show on Fox News. (I know, I know... "U watch Faux Noos! U r so stoopid!" I get it, ha ha.)

I really enjoy watching Tucker's show, because he unflinchingly breaks down the news of the day in a concise, easy to understand manner, he clearly looks into every possible angle of the story (No half-assed, or single sided reporting.) and he openly invites people with opposing views to fairly debate their side. You rarely see this in the majority of shows out there, on any network. I even like that far away, blank eyed stare he gets, while he's listening to his guests, just before he lets them have it with pure logic (and a healthy degree of scorn and ridicule).

However, one of my few criticisms of his show, is that sometimes, he doesn't really go far enough with certain guests.

Now, I'm sure that few people at Fox, or among his other viewers, would ever accuse Mr. Carlson of holding back. I know he has developed quite a reputation for putting people in their place, when they really deserve it. But, more than once, I've found myself screaming at my television, begging Tucker to call some ideologue to the curb over blatant lies, or sheer stupidity.

I just wish, every now and then, Tucker would look his guest in the eye, and tell them they are a blatant liar, or that their argument is just pure stupidity.

I know he doesn't want to take it quite that far, because the whiney, lying crybabies who normally come on his show to debate him, will stop coming. Once word got out that liars will be outed without mercy, he won't be able to book anymore Regressive spin doctors anymore.

Still, I believe that this level of truth and realism is exactly what people are hungry for now. I know I'm certainly starving for it.