Ladies and gentlemen. It's time for a quick vocabulary lesson over some extremely misused words and phrases.
Our first word is Fascist n.- A dictator, or authoritarian figure, that exhalts one race or nationality over all others, through laws or force.
A freely elected President in a representative republic (like the United States) is not, and cannot be a true fascist. Banning people from illegally entering your country, or those who mean to do harm to your country, is not a form of fascism. Neither is taking, or having, justifiable pride in where you're from.
Most of the morons in the cowardly, anti-Trump ANTIFA movement, can't even spell the word "fascist", nevermind define it. They are generally the ones causing all the violence, and trying to force others into their narrow minded, bigoted beliefs.
Okay, the next word is: Treason n.- The crime of attempting to overthrow, or otherwise undermine, the sovereignty of a nation to which one owes allegiance.
I'll admit, this one's a bit trickier to explain, but bear with me...
In the U.S., it is required that the person(s) leveling allegations of a crime, be able to present evidence of said crime. In other words, if you accuse someone, the burden of proof is on you, and you must have evidence to show they are guilty. We are an "innocent, until proven guilty" society, where we don't just take people's word that someone is engaged in criminal activity. We need hardcore, solid evidence.
To prove that our current President is a traitor, you must be able to show a deliberate and conscious attempt to overthrow, or undermine our government. Simply meeting with a Russian with no formal ties to the Kremlin isn't proof. (If it were, anyone with Russian ancestry, or that has ever spoken to a Russian would be a traitor, including every politician since FDR.) Since there is no evidence that Vladimir Putin's regime had any effect on our election at all, or that Trump was working with him in any way, no one can honestly call Trump a traitor.
And, given his track record of trying to strengthen and rebuild America (after a very damaging eight years), one can hardly say that he's undermining our system. Therefore, given the current lack of any real proof, we have to conclude that President Trump is not guilty of treason.
One more word: Collusion n.- A secret, or illegal cooperation, or conspiracy to cheat, or deceive others.
Again, there is absolutely no evidence that President Trump worked in any way to change, or effect the results of the election. There are no videos, recordings, emails or documents of any sort. There isn't even any direct eye witness accounts. All we have are the words of highly suspect and extremely biased individuals, who openly show their contempt for Trump and their ideological rivals. In America, that's not proof, nor is it nearly good enough to convict or impeach a person on.
Well, there you have it, three words I really wish everyone would learn before they go around casually tossing them about.
I genuinely hope this entry helped, and someone out there, learned something.
This was fun. Perhaps I'll do more posts like this soon.
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