In England, there is a baby named Charlie Gard, with a rare genetic disorder that has left him unable to breathe on his own. His parents are fighting to get their son access to experimental treatments here in the United States.
The problem is, the treatments only stand a one-in-ten chance of actually helping him, and England has Socialized medicine. This means politicians and a centralized insurance agency have more say in a patient's treatment than their own doctors do. Bottom line... the government decides who gets what treatment, and who lives or dies.
And, they decided that Charlie should die.
The only thing that has saved him so far, is his parents have refused to accept their decision quietly, and have managed to bring their case to the world. If it weren't for people like President Trump calling attention to their plight, the child would already be dead.
The government run hospital, currently treating little Charlie, is citing the slim chance the experts have given the procedure (one-in-ten chance), as being "not feasible", and only prolonging the boy's misery.
Call me "too American" in my views, but since when is that anyone's call except the parent's? Who are they to say this child shouldn't have a chance (no matter how slight) to live? If it were any of their kids (God forbid), tell me they wouldn't do everything within their power, and fight like hell to save them.
That's the problem with allowing the government to control healthcare, and why we need to be fighting to get ours back from Washington. Only an absolute moron, or completely corrupt official, can look at what's happening to this poor baby, and still demand "single payer" or "universal" healthcare.
I understand wanting to assure access to "quality" medicine for even the poorest among us. However, the truth is, they won't get it with total government involvement. We're basicly taking the most inept, and corrupt people in our society, and handing them absolute power and control over our lives, and our family's lives.
Whether or not this treatment can really help Charlie (and I pray it does) isn't really the issue here. It's all about control, and the power to decide our own destinies for ourselves.
If anyone truly wants to help this poor baby, they can start by getting the government out of the equation.
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