DISCLAIMER: This will be one of my more angrier, "take no prisoners" posts. If you're easily offended, or a snowflake, Regressive Kool-aid drinker, I suggest you move on to another post or blog now...
Okay, it's been coming for awhile now, and now it's finally here... I've just about reached my limit.
I have seriously had enough of this whole "Russian Collusion" B.S. Just when I think this story can't possibly get anymore paranoid and stupid, the Regressives work overtime to prove me wrong.
By now, most of you know the ins and outs of this tiresome little story. For those who don't, here's the summary so far...
Donald Trump won the Presidential election last November, the Regressives can't stand it, and are screaming (without any proof at all) that he somehow worked with the Russians to rig the election. Now, they are holding kangaroo hearings, and impuning anyone in Trump's inner circle (including his own children) with claims of treason. And, it's painfully clear that they're not going to stop, until they manage to drive him out of office (and possibly into prison, for daring to beat their "Chosen One" Hillary).
In order to believe their wild fantasies about the Russians helping Trump, you would first have to believe that they (the Russians) feared a Clinton victory.
This is absurd, due to the simple (and historically proven) fact that they had absolutely no fear of Obama, or anyone in his administration. Remember the "Things red line" in Syria? Or, Russia's invasion of the Ukraine? How about Obama's hot-mic declaration to the Russian Prime Minister that he'd "have more flexibility" after he was reelected? Obama was Putin's lapdog (that's a verifiable fact), and Clinton often pledged to continue his legacy.
So, ask yourself... If you were Vladimir Putin, who would you rather have in control of the United States? Another simpering, feckless coward, with no will to stand up to you? Or, an unpredictable, tough talking, loose cannon with a reputation for being shrewd and outspoken? I know who I'd choose as an adversary.
This madness has reached levels never before seen in hysteria and paranoia. Trump's opponents are so afraid of the man, and what he's trying to accomplish, that they're desperate to remove him from office at all cost.
Most haven't even considered the line of succession, which means they'd have to get rid of six more people before the Democrats could even remotely claim the Presidency.
If, however, they do manage to somehow force the President out, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that America, as we know it, is done.
There will no longer be any point in holding elections, or even campaigning. The Leftist elite will simply choose our ruler (might as well not even call it a President anymore) for us. Because, they obviously know better than all of us "baskets of deplorables" that are "clinging to their God and guns".
If they succeed in impeaching Trump, it will set a president that will never be undone, and mean the death of our country. Any time We the People elect someone they don't like, they'll continue to whine and throw tantrums, until that person is removed from office.
It's sick and disgusting. And, it sure as hell isn't the kind of nation I would ever want to live in.
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