It happens every election year, and each time, it seems more viable than the time before. People begin to talk about third party candidates and adding yet another major political party to the mix.
Usually, the talk comes about when people start noticing the poor quality of the available candidates on either side. (And believe me, each election we seem to get worse and worse.) It seems that only the least qualified, most corrupt and barely educated individuals in America actually run for President. Then, we're given the absolute worst among these to choose from in the general.
While I can certainly understand the desire to have more (and possibly better) choices, I don't believe that another major party is the answer. The reason why is something I've dubbed the "pond scum effect".
As hard as it may be (Smell that? It's called sarcasm!), imagine that Washington DC is a giant, stagnant pond. It's surface is completely covered with slimy green algae (which obviously represents all the corruption and filth currently in office). Now, if you throw a rock into the middle of the pond (a new party), the first thing that will happen is, all the scum will be pushed aside from the impact. However, after the initial splash, all the filth and stagnation will rush in to fill the void, and you're left with a pond that's just as nasty as it was before.
In other words, we may actually be able to develop a new party (based upon all the ethics and principles we want), and we may even be able to get a candidate we like to run for it. But, it'll only be a matter of time before all the thieves, liars and power-mongers we were trying to avoid, find their way into the new party as well.
Another issue we're facing is, which ideology will this new party follow? Is it going to be based on Left-wing or Right-wing principles? Or, maybe something in between?
Right now, our politicians have us so divided on nearly every issue (and more than a few "non-issues"), that we can't seem to agree on anything. They have us arguing over which bathroom we're supposed to be using, for the love of monkeys!!!
There are already a few third party contenders, on both sides, out there (some more realistic and viable than others). It seems, no matter what your personal beliefs may be, there's a group to match, everything from the Libertarians on the Right, to the Green Party on the Left. The problem is, these fringe groups tend to be every bit as "all or nothing" in their beliefs, as the two main parties are (sometimes, even worse).
This is why I'm an Independent, and don't really identify with any particular party, or ideology. I will admit that on most issues I tend to be more "Right-leaning", but that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm a Republican, or even a Conservative. I refuse to vote (or even think) along purely partisan or ideological lines. I choose to base my views and beliefs upon my own intelligence and experiences (as we all should).
Which brings me to yet another reason against third parties... It's already become more about the good of the party, over the good of the people. Right now, nearly every time you turn on the news, you'll hear reports about how "the Republicans are imploding", or how "the Democrats need to do this to survive". That's because it's all about the party. Neither side truly cares about their constituents, and there's no reason to believe another will be any different.
As I said before, third parties aren't the answer. They're just another means of dividing us further. The only real solution, is to completely vet anyone wanting to run for public office, and hold every candidate (regardless of ideology or affiliation) to a higher standard. We need to demand better, and stop allowing Washington or the political elite to determine our choices for us.
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