Recently, I've been reading the news posted on my browser. Not surprising, about 90% of it is anti-Trump and pro-Hillary (and then you wonder why she's still ahead in the polls). That much is expected, because the media doesn't even try to hide their Left-wing bias anymore. The truly disturbing and sickening part, is found in the comments section after the story.
There are so many drooling zombies, regurgitating things they've heard on NPR, the Huffington Post and MSNBC (the unholy Trinity of Liberal "News"), that I instantly feel the need to flush.
I'm all for political discussion (as if you couldn't tell by this blog), and I wholeheartedly support everyone's right to choose the beliefs that work best for them. However, what infuriates me beyond all reason, is an uninformed, dishonest opinion free of all evidence and facts. If you're going to state something for all the world to see, at least have the self-respect enough to make sure it's truthful, and you actually know what you're talking about. (And, for the love of monkeys, read a book every now and then!)
Seriously, I could beat my head full force against a brick wall, and it'd be less painful than talking to some of these people. The arguments some of them have posted leave me feeling as scared, frustrated and confused as Paris Hilton at an elementary school spelling bee.
For the record... Yes, Hillary Clinton is a proven liar, not mistaken or misquoted, or even misunderstood. I could do a thirty-five part special on just the lies she's blatantly told in the past five years alone. But, I'll assume you want a few as proof:
"I never sent, or received any classified emails on my server, that were marked 'classified' at the time."- said multiple times during several speeches and interviews. FBI Director Comey debunked this when he revealed their findings, and then again when he testified before Congress.
Or, how about this lovely little gem... "I remember stepping off the helicopter under intense sniper fire, when we landed in Bosnia..."- again, multiple interviews. CBS (normally cheerleaders in the Clinton fan club) were the ones who refuted this, and even posted videos of the event with no gun fire to be heard anywhere.
And who can forget... "The attack on the Benghazi Embassy was the result of a protest over a disgusting YouTube video..."- taken from an inter-office memo to Susan Rice and also told directly to the families of the fallen victims. Later the FBI presented emails recovered from her illegal servers (she initially denied having) written to both Chelsea and the President of Egypt on the night of the attacks, proclaiming them to be a "concerted, Al-Qaeda style terrorist attack" with no mention of a video.
Those are just a few of her obvious and blatant lies. Believe me, I could go on for hours with more.
Also... No, Hillary was not "exonerated" for the email scandals. The FBI simply refused not to prosecute under intense pressure from Obama's corrupt Department of Justice. There's a massive difference between not being prosecuted and being exonerated, look it up.
As I've stated before, Donald Trump is no angel, and he can be quite arrogant and full of himself at times. I will even grant you that a few of the things he's said have been off color and perhaps borderline racist.
But, to my knowledge, he's never been directly involved in the deaths of American citizens, he's never been caught mishandling state secrets (then tried to lie his way out of it), and he hasn't been accused of selling his government appointed position to the highest bidding enemies ("Play-to-Play" scandal) under the guise of a charity.
Like I said, vote for Clinton if you like... Just be honest, and know exactly what you're voting for.
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