I have a simple (and extremely important) question for anyone who feels they can answer openly and completely honestly...
If I were to break into your house (without hurting or killing anyone), and just made myself at home, would you let me stay? What if, I broke into your home, and left my underaged child? Would you just shrug it off, and allow them to remain, without calling the police?
Of course, the answer is "No", in both cases. Because, I seriously doubt any of you would provide all our food, medical and education, simply because we showed up and demanded it.
But, that's okay. I wouldn't expect you to. That would be insane, right?
So then, how is it any more sane, to allow people to sneak into our country (or sneak their kids in), and then ignore our own laws to help them? I don't know about any of you, but my windows and doors have locks on them for a reason, and I control who has access to my house. So, why can't we lock our borders, and control who comes and goes that way as well?
Is it racist that I would call the police on a stranger sitting in my living room, eating my food and watching my TV? Is it racist that I would demand that they be removed immediately?
Illegal aliens don't have Constitutional rights. It may sound cold and harsh, but it's the truth. They aren't supposed to be able to buy guns, drive a car or vote in any elections (no more than I could sneak into their country and do the same). They are not "undocumented" because they violated a law to get here (or "their parents did", for those who seriously want to split hairs). That's why their true legal term is "illegal".
Our Constitution has very distinct rules concerning immigration. It also has regulations against aiding someone in the commission of an illegal act. This is the law, plain and simple. We can't just ignore it when it no longer matches our personal views and desires.
Hell, I hate paying income tax. But, if I stop, I go to jail. That is how the law works. And, if I use the money that should have paid the taxes, to set up a fund for my kids, they take the money away from them as well. Just because I broke the law, doesn't mean my kids get to benefit from it.
To carry the point further... If I then run from the police for tax evasion, and go to my sister's house. She can be punished, if she knowingly hides me from the authorities. This is why "sanctuary cities" are illegal as well.
Deporting people isn't immortal, or racist. It's following the law (laws that every country on Earth have to protect their own nation).
Yes, I do feel bad about the people brought here as children, and the families torn apart by immigration. However, the law is in place for a reason, they are in violation, and need to be dealt with accordingly.
If anything, the so-called Dreamers' parents are to blame for their families being ripped apart and separated. They knew we had laws, knew there could be consequences for breaking them, and came here illegally anyway.
So, don't tell me I'm heartless, for having these families torn apart. I'm not the one who knowingly and deliberately put my family through that in the first place.
I can understand wanting a better life for yourself and your family. But, you need to understand that there's a right way and a wrong way to get it. If you can't afford to come here legally, make changes to your own country. Be a positive force, that speaks out against corruption, and inspires others to demand liberty.
America is the greatest country on Earth, and almost everyone (except gang members, criminals and terrorist) are welcome. But, only if you play by all the rules, and do things the right way.
Friday, October 20, 2017
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Another Clinton Scandal
Can someone please explain to me why Hillary Clinton isn't rotting away in a prison somewhere? I mean, this woman has broken more laws than Jesus saves sinners, and yet no one (including her enemies) ever lifts a finger to do anything about it. It's sickening.
At the time of writing this, a new investigation has revealed yet another Clinton scandal. It seems (for all her bogus claims of Trump colluding with the Russians) that while she was out Secretary of State, Moscow donated hundreds of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation. Shortly there after, Secretary Clinton approved a deal to sell the Russians over twenty percent of our Uranium stores (look up the Uranium One Deal).
There are new emails (taken from Anthony Winner's laptop) that go into detail about Clinton's involvement in extortion, bribery and obstruction of justice (by trying to delete all evidence and cover it up) on the Uranium One Deal.
It isn't enough that she illegally kept sensitive, classified documents on an illegal, unsecured server; or that she then tries to hide, delete and bleach bit those documents. It isn't enough that she ignored or denied over six hundred security requests from Ambassador Chris Stevens, then ordered the Navy SEALS to stand down as four Americans (including Stevens) were murdered, or that she lied about the attack not being terrorism, but rather a protest over a YouTube video. It apparently doesn't matter that the Clinton Foundation (listed as a non-profit charity) only spends twenty percent of its income on charitable efforts, and is currently missing billions of dollars without any explanation.
I've said it before, and I'll gladly say it again... I would love to see a woman win the White House. I think it's long overdue. But, not THIS woman. She's a criminal, and the worst kind of scum in Washington.
She really does disgust me, and I truly wish someone would do their damned job and lock her up. No one is supposed to be above the law in America. But, I guess that doesn't apply to anyone named Clinton.
Sunday, October 8, 2017
In Memorium...
Once upon a time... I used to live in a country that was built upon freedom and individual rights. It was a nation that set trends and blazed trails, rather than followed the herd and modeled itself off other nations.
This was a strong and proud country, where the people were free to speak their minds (even if no one else agreed with them), and worked hard for the things they wanted/needed in life. They didn't ask for permission to live a certain way, or worry about how their neighbors may be living (as long as it didn't interfere with their life or property). They didn't want or need the government's intervention and intrusion into their jobs, their health, their lives.
We were a nation that welcomed people seeking a better life with open arms, as long as they came to us legally and abided by our laws while here. We believed in true equality, rather than "leveling the playing field" so that some could benefit off the work of others.
In my country, a person had God-given rights, no man (woman, or "other") was ever supposed to be able to take away. Each and every legal citizen was entitled to earn their own living, keep a large majority of what they earned, and freely spend their earnings however they saw fit. We had the right to protect ourselves, our family and friends, our property and even our country, without the permission or approval of anyone else (including our elected officials). No one could tell us how many guns we could own, what kind of bullets to use, or where to purchase them. And, if some criminally insane moron open fired on a crowd of innocent civilians, we didn't blame the guns, or even all legal gun owners. We blamed the person at fault. (I know, what a radical concept!)
In the country I remember, we were free to disagree with each other and the President, without throwing temper tantrums, and demanding a "safe space" (with a blanky and a pacifier). If the country voted for someone we didn't like, we still respected their position, and worked hard to vote them out the next time. We didn't call for shady and legally questionable prosecutors to go on year long fishing expeditions, searching for even the slightest reason (even if it was made up) to try and impeach him.
This was a country our allies had faith in, our enemies feared and respected, and our celebrities/athletes kept most of their political opinions private. Our officials understood that they're public "servants" (meaning they serve us), and it was their duty to uphold our will. We didn't just blindly follow whatever they decided was best for us, and we refused to allow them to divide us for their own personal and political gain.
Yes, we had our share of problems, and it wasn't exactly a utopia. But, I can promise you this... America was a whole hell of a lot better when I was a kid, than it is today. I can also tell you with absolute certainty that, the very people who've always claimed that we're not free, great or fair (the same ones still claiming that now), are the exact reason we aren't. You can't complain about the flames, when you're the one burning down the house.
This was a strong and proud country, where the people were free to speak their minds (even if no one else agreed with them), and worked hard for the things they wanted/needed in life. They didn't ask for permission to live a certain way, or worry about how their neighbors may be living (as long as it didn't interfere with their life or property). They didn't want or need the government's intervention and intrusion into their jobs, their health, their lives.
We were a nation that welcomed people seeking a better life with open arms, as long as they came to us legally and abided by our laws while here. We believed in true equality, rather than "leveling the playing field" so that some could benefit off the work of others.
In my country, a person had God-given rights, no man (woman, or "other") was ever supposed to be able to take away. Each and every legal citizen was entitled to earn their own living, keep a large majority of what they earned, and freely spend their earnings however they saw fit. We had the right to protect ourselves, our family and friends, our property and even our country, without the permission or approval of anyone else (including our elected officials). No one could tell us how many guns we could own, what kind of bullets to use, or where to purchase them. And, if some criminally insane moron open fired on a crowd of innocent civilians, we didn't blame the guns, or even all legal gun owners. We blamed the person at fault. (I know, what a radical concept!)
In the country I remember, we were free to disagree with each other and the President, without throwing temper tantrums, and demanding a "safe space" (with a blanky and a pacifier). If the country voted for someone we didn't like, we still respected their position, and worked hard to vote them out the next time. We didn't call for shady and legally questionable prosecutors to go on year long fishing expeditions, searching for even the slightest reason (even if it was made up) to try and impeach him.
This was a country our allies had faith in, our enemies feared and respected, and our celebrities/athletes kept most of their political opinions private. Our officials understood that they're public "servants" (meaning they serve us), and it was their duty to uphold our will. We didn't just blindly follow whatever they decided was best for us, and we refused to allow them to divide us for their own personal and political gain.
Yes, we had our share of problems, and it wasn't exactly a utopia. But, I can promise you this... America was a whole hell of a lot better when I was a kid, than it is today. I can also tell you with absolute certainty that, the very people who've always claimed that we're not free, great or fair (the same ones still claiming that now), are the exact reason we aren't. You can't complain about the flames, when you're the one burning down the house.
Monday, October 2, 2017
Pray for Las Vegas
First of all, let me say that my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and family members of the Las Vegas massacre. May the Lord watch over you all, in these troubling times.
Next, I would like to say that this was a horrible and cowardly act, by a deranged and disturbed mind. Though it's important to learn his motives and what supposedly set him off (so that we can hopefully prevent it from happening again), absolutely nothing will ever justify his actions. No reason ever given, will make this okay.
These people weren't hurting anyone. They weren't threatening life, property or the country. They were simply enjoying a music festival, and trying to have a good time. As far as anyone can tell, there weren't any religious, political or social ideologies involved. The man just open fired on a defenseless crowd for the pure evil of it, making him a worthless piece of crap.
Which brings me to my next point... all the morons out there, using this tragedy to call for gun control/gun bans. Yes, I called them morons, and no, I won't apologize for it.
Right now, we barely know anything about the shooter. We don't have a clue about his motives, or even how he got the guns in the first place. Therefore, it's way to soon to start trying to push an agenda, and call for gun control.
As far as anyone can tell right now, any gun control measures ever called for, would not have prevented this incident from occurring. For all we know so far, he legally purchased and owned those weapons, or even stole them somewhere. In either case, more gun laws would not have helped at all.
To me, it's sickening, and speaks to their real character, when I hear people (like failed politician, Hillary Clinton) calling for gun control and wrongfully pointing the finger at people and groups, mere hours after something like this.
After hearing her tweet, wrongfully claiming the man used a silencer, and putting the blame on the NRA, all I can say, is "Thank God this disgusting excuse for a human being isn't our President!"
Anyway, this is a time for mourning, and finding out what really happened. Maybe, after we learn all the details, we can work on finding real solutions.
But, until then, Let's keep our ideology and agenda to ourselves... okay?
Next, I would like to say that this was a horrible and cowardly act, by a deranged and disturbed mind. Though it's important to learn his motives and what supposedly set him off (so that we can hopefully prevent it from happening again), absolutely nothing will ever justify his actions. No reason ever given, will make this okay.
These people weren't hurting anyone. They weren't threatening life, property or the country. They were simply enjoying a music festival, and trying to have a good time. As far as anyone can tell, there weren't any religious, political or social ideologies involved. The man just open fired on a defenseless crowd for the pure evil of it, making him a worthless piece of crap.
Which brings me to my next point... all the morons out there, using this tragedy to call for gun control/gun bans. Yes, I called them morons, and no, I won't apologize for it.
Right now, we barely know anything about the shooter. We don't have a clue about his motives, or even how he got the guns in the first place. Therefore, it's way to soon to start trying to push an agenda, and call for gun control.
As far as anyone can tell right now, any gun control measures ever called for, would not have prevented this incident from occurring. For all we know so far, he legally purchased and owned those weapons, or even stole them somewhere. In either case, more gun laws would not have helped at all.
To me, it's sickening, and speaks to their real character, when I hear people (like failed politician, Hillary Clinton) calling for gun control and wrongfully pointing the finger at people and groups, mere hours after something like this.
After hearing her tweet, wrongfully claiming the man used a silencer, and putting the blame on the NRA, all I can say, is "Thank God this disgusting excuse for a human being isn't our President!"
Anyway, this is a time for mourning, and finding out what really happened. Maybe, after we learn all the details, we can work on finding real solutions.
But, until then, Let's keep our ideology and agenda to ourselves... okay?
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