The time has come to get real on healthcare, and to expose a few lies and misconceptions along the way.
The so-called "Affordable Healthcare Act" (Obamacare), is nothing more than a gigantic, unconstitutional, money-sucking quagmire. It was America's first national attempt to ease into government controlled, socialized medicine, and it's failing miserably (no big surprise there).
It's costing the country trillions of dollars, forcing people who can't really afford it to buy insurance they don't want/need, and providing us with ever increasing premiums with equally decreasing coverage. It was designed (like every other entitlement) to get poor people so dependant upon it, they can't live without it, and then to collapse at the worst possible time, without constant bailouts.
For seven long years, nearly every Republican in Congress has ran on the promise to repeal and replace this unpopular disaster of a law. This one pledge has been the single most winningest strategy in U.S. political history. And, for seven years, the voters gave them everything they claimed to need to do away with Obamacare. We gave them the House, they said they needed the Senate. We gave them the Senate, they needed the Presidency. Each time we gave, all we got in return were a bunch of lame, tired excuses.
President Trump was right, when he said that it was easy for Republicans to promise to get rid of Obamacare, when they knew the Democrats could (and would) stop it. But, now that they are the majority, their true colors are showing. They're a bunch of frauds and liars, who never intended to do the job they were elected to do.
It would be easy (if not intellectually dishonest) to defend them, by saying they don't want to replace one bad law with another. But, the truth is, most of them are not even really trying. They've had seven years to come up with something better! And, most of the "no" votes are from people offering amendments they know will never work, or pass. (It's called a "poison pill", and is meant to deliberately kill a potentially popular bill.)
Let's be completely honest here... there are quite a few like RINO Senator John McCain, who ran on repeal, but never intended to actually do it, and absolutely hate President Trump. McCain is one of at least a dozen so-called Republicans that is so intent on making sure Trump doesn't get a win, he gladly sacrifices the nation for his own pride.
Yes, I am aware that the man was a war hero and a POW in Vietnam. But, now he's resting on his laurels, and being a lying obstructionist (to use one of Obama's terms). Though I am thankful for his military service, I can't help but wonder what that younger McCain would have thought about the bitter, dishonest older man he became.
McCain, and others are claiming they can't support the new repeal, unless the President includes the Democrats in the process. They know this is a dead end, because there is no way any Democrat will vote to get rid of their only achievement in the past eight years. They all insist on keeping it, and only making minor changes here or there to "fix" it. It can't be "fixed", and the Republicans didn't win by pledging to keep it, or any part of it. They won solidly, by promising to get rid of it, period.
Another villain in this mess, is Senator Rand Paul. Paul claims one of his biggest issues with repeal, is the desire to give healthcare back to the states, and let them decide how to run it. Apparently, Senator Paul (who is normally pretty good with the Constitution) has forgotten about a little thing called the Tenth Amendment, that gives any power not directly assigned to the government back to the states and the people. Go ahead and look it up, controlling healthcare isn't listed anywhere in the Constitution as a governmental right. It belongs to the states.
The worry is, certain states will misuse the funds, or attempt experimental healthcare systems and leave the poor worse off. But, that is how America is supposed to work. Everyone has the right to succeed or fail of their own accord, without government interference or bailouts. If California or New York try single-payer healthcare, and it fails (as it must by design), that's on them, and not a more successful state's problem. That's Capitalism, and America!
The long and short of it all is this... You were elected because you promised to do a job. So, do It! If you don't, it's your fault and no one else's when you lose your seat in Congress. There won't be any point in blaming Trump (though I'm sure the lying cowards will try).
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Monday, September 18, 2017
No More Riots
Here we go again... Another weekend of protesting and violence in St. Louis, over a police officer being acquitted for the shooting of a young black man.
Once again, the real story behind the event is being deliberately muddied and obfuscated to create a certain narrative. And, once again, the general public isn't interested in the truth.
This time, some of the details are a bit more sketchy, granted. However, the core facts remain... the victim, Lamar Smith, was a known heroin dealer, with multiple arrests (including assault, attempted murder, and illegal possession of a firearm). He was seen (according to eye witnesses, dash cams, and a business surveillance camera) dealing drugs, when two cops arrived to arrest him. He then resisted the arrest, used his car to ram a police cruiser (while trying to hit the officers), and led the cops on a high speed chase. After wrecking the car, he allegedly pulled a gun (there was no video evidence of this), and officer Jason Stockley shot him five times, killing him instantly. A judge reviewed the evidence and cleared Stockley of murder charges.
It's a shame that Smith was killed, and I admit that there are a few questions still remaining. Stockley was heard on the police cruiser cam (during the chase) saying that when they caught Smith, he was going to kill the M.F. and the only gun found in Smith's car had Stockley's fingerprints on it, not Smith's. There's even s piece of video where Stockley is presumably putting Smith's gun into a duffle bag after the shooting (many protesters claim he's actually taking the gun out of the bag to plant it).
All of these issues don't exactly help to make the case cut and dry, but they don't take away from the most important parts...
Smith (A known felon with a long history of violence) was committing a crime, and attempted to injure or kill officers with his car in the escape. He physically assaulted the officers, and put the public in danger with his reckless driving and high speed chase. All of this could have been avoided by surrendering to the cops at the start.
I'm not saying he deservered to die, or that the situation couldn't have gone better. What I am saying is, the victim was far from innocent or blameless (not that it matters to the Regressives, or the protesters).
Hasn't anyone else noticed that nearly every one of these so-called "victims of police shootings" turn out to be people with long, violent histories, and are generally resisting the police after being caught in the commission of a crime?
If there actually is some sort of racist police agenda to kill black men, then where are all the middle-class, family men, without a criminal record murder victims? Where is the father of 3, Deacon of his church, well educated, never been in trouble with the law victims? Isn't it funny how you never see the police killing a man lime Herman Cain, or Dr. Ben Carson? Why is it always the drug dealing, gang banging, ex con with a rap sheet longer than he is tall?
There has been a lot of talk about retraining police officers on how to interact with the black community, to heal some of divide. I support that, but it will never work, if that is all we do.
We also need to teach the inner city black youth that crime doesn't really pay in the long run, resisting arrest will get you killed, and the police are not your enemy as long as you obey the law.
I'm sick of all the idiots out there, martyring criminals to push their own racist and anarchist agenda. I'm tired of the media helping them by showing photographs of the "victim" as a sweet teenaged boy (back before the trouble began). Or, musicians and actors who glorify the gangster/drug dealer culture, and accept no responsibility, when some young kid gets killed or arrested trying to copy their work.
I grew up in an exclusively black neighborhood, and watched as the drugs claimed our streets. I saw first hand, what children were being taught about cops, teachers and other authority figures. And, I've heard all the tired, lame excuses about how you have to hustle, or sell drugs to make a living, because there aren't any jobs.
The truth is, most of the dealers and gang members really don't want a job, and they don't give a damn about their community. They only care about themselves, and getting whatever they want, any way they want, and to hell with the law, or anyone that gets in their way.
I got myself out of that environment and situation, and I didn't screw over anyone to do it. Anyone can get out (regardless of skin color, gender or race), all it takes is ambition and hard work.
Jobs are not going to come into a community ate up by crime and drugs. Employers don't want to open businesses where they'll be robbed everyday, or their customers could be murdered.
The only way to bring jobs into your community, is to clean it up, and take it back from the scum. No one outside your neighborhood is going to do it for you. (And why should they?) And, it's no one's responsibility but your own. Stop blaming others for you circumstances, play by the rules and laws of society, and step up and do what it takes to succeed legally.
You'll find life is a lot easier and better, when you no longer have to worry about the police and prison.
Once again, the real story behind the event is being deliberately muddied and obfuscated to create a certain narrative. And, once again, the general public isn't interested in the truth.
This time, some of the details are a bit more sketchy, granted. However, the core facts remain... the victim, Lamar Smith, was a known heroin dealer, with multiple arrests (including assault, attempted murder, and illegal possession of a firearm). He was seen (according to eye witnesses, dash cams, and a business surveillance camera) dealing drugs, when two cops arrived to arrest him. He then resisted the arrest, used his car to ram a police cruiser (while trying to hit the officers), and led the cops on a high speed chase. After wrecking the car, he allegedly pulled a gun (there was no video evidence of this), and officer Jason Stockley shot him five times, killing him instantly. A judge reviewed the evidence and cleared Stockley of murder charges.
It's a shame that Smith was killed, and I admit that there are a few questions still remaining. Stockley was heard on the police cruiser cam (during the chase) saying that when they caught Smith, he was going to kill the M.F. and the only gun found in Smith's car had Stockley's fingerprints on it, not Smith's. There's even s piece of video where Stockley is presumably putting Smith's gun into a duffle bag after the shooting (many protesters claim he's actually taking the gun out of the bag to plant it).
All of these issues don't exactly help to make the case cut and dry, but they don't take away from the most important parts...
Smith (A known felon with a long history of violence) was committing a crime, and attempted to injure or kill officers with his car in the escape. He physically assaulted the officers, and put the public in danger with his reckless driving and high speed chase. All of this could have been avoided by surrendering to the cops at the start.
I'm not saying he deservered to die, or that the situation couldn't have gone better. What I am saying is, the victim was far from innocent or blameless (not that it matters to the Regressives, or the protesters).
Hasn't anyone else noticed that nearly every one of these so-called "victims of police shootings" turn out to be people with long, violent histories, and are generally resisting the police after being caught in the commission of a crime?
If there actually is some sort of racist police agenda to kill black men, then where are all the middle-class, family men, without a criminal record murder victims? Where is the father of 3, Deacon of his church, well educated, never been in trouble with the law victims? Isn't it funny how you never see the police killing a man lime Herman Cain, or Dr. Ben Carson? Why is it always the drug dealing, gang banging, ex con with a rap sheet longer than he is tall?
There has been a lot of talk about retraining police officers on how to interact with the black community, to heal some of divide. I support that, but it will never work, if that is all we do.
We also need to teach the inner city black youth that crime doesn't really pay in the long run, resisting arrest will get you killed, and the police are not your enemy as long as you obey the law.
I'm sick of all the idiots out there, martyring criminals to push their own racist and anarchist agenda. I'm tired of the media helping them by showing photographs of the "victim" as a sweet teenaged boy (back before the trouble began). Or, musicians and actors who glorify the gangster/drug dealer culture, and accept no responsibility, when some young kid gets killed or arrested trying to copy their work.
I grew up in an exclusively black neighborhood, and watched as the drugs claimed our streets. I saw first hand, what children were being taught about cops, teachers and other authority figures. And, I've heard all the tired, lame excuses about how you have to hustle, or sell drugs to make a living, because there aren't any jobs.
The truth is, most of the dealers and gang members really don't want a job, and they don't give a damn about their community. They only care about themselves, and getting whatever they want, any way they want, and to hell with the law, or anyone that gets in their way.
I got myself out of that environment and situation, and I didn't screw over anyone to do it. Anyone can get out (regardless of skin color, gender or race), all it takes is ambition and hard work.
Jobs are not going to come into a community ate up by crime and drugs. Employers don't want to open businesses where they'll be robbed everyday, or their customers could be murdered.
The only way to bring jobs into your community, is to clean it up, and take it back from the scum. No one outside your neighborhood is going to do it for you. (And why should they?) And, it's no one's responsibility but your own. Stop blaming others for you circumstances, play by the rules and laws of society, and step up and do what it takes to succeed legally.
You'll find life is a lot easier and better, when you no longer have to worry about the police and prison.
Friday, September 15, 2017
A lot has been said, this past week, about President Trump's meetings with the Democrats on the debt ceiling, and his dinner with them over immigration issues.
I have heard a lot of complaints from the Democrats I know, that this is some kind of trick, and he can't be trusted. While some Republicans are screaming that he betrayed them, and was never a true Conservative.
Quite a few seem genuinely surprised that I'm not mortally outraged by Trump's apparent defection.
The plain truth of the matter is, why should I be?
Isn't it the job of the President to reach across the aisle, and find as many non-partisan solutions to problems, as he/she can? The last time I checked, he was elected President of the United States of America, not the Republican States, or the Conservative States.
If the Republicans want to get upset at the President for going to the Democrats, they really have no one to blame but themselves.
They had eight years to fulfill their promises to the American people. Eight very long years to repeal Obamacare, strengthen our borders, reform our tax code... etc. And instead, all we've gotten from them is one lame excuse after another.
When we elected Trump, it was because we believed he would actually accomplish these things (and God knows he's tried). We believed that we finally had everything the career Republican politicians claimed they needed to do their job.
But, instead of fulfilling their long over due promises, they basically sided with the Democrats first, by rejecting any and everything the President has tried to do (even when it perfectly aligns with the agenda they've always claimed to support).
Therefore, what choice did Donald Trump have, but to go to the Democrats to get something done? Granted, they were never going to give him (or the majority of the American people) everything he wanted. But, unlike the never-Trump RINOS (like John McCain), the Democrats were at least willing to talk about it, and possibly compromise.
America is divided enough already, without our elected officials acting like spoiled children, and widening the gap. If you don't like the President turning to your opponents, then grow the hell up, and do the job you were elected to do.
I have heard a lot of complaints from the Democrats I know, that this is some kind of trick, and he can't be trusted. While some Republicans are screaming that he betrayed them, and was never a true Conservative.
Quite a few seem genuinely surprised that I'm not mortally outraged by Trump's apparent defection.
The plain truth of the matter is, why should I be?
Isn't it the job of the President to reach across the aisle, and find as many non-partisan solutions to problems, as he/she can? The last time I checked, he was elected President of the United States of America, not the Republican States, or the Conservative States.
If the Republicans want to get upset at the President for going to the Democrats, they really have no one to blame but themselves.
They had eight years to fulfill their promises to the American people. Eight very long years to repeal Obamacare, strengthen our borders, reform our tax code... etc. And instead, all we've gotten from them is one lame excuse after another.
When we elected Trump, it was because we believed he would actually accomplish these things (and God knows he's tried). We believed that we finally had everything the career Republican politicians claimed they needed to do their job.
But, instead of fulfilling their long over due promises, they basically sided with the Democrats first, by rejecting any and everything the President has tried to do (even when it perfectly aligns with the agenda they've always claimed to support).
Therefore, what choice did Donald Trump have, but to go to the Democrats to get something done? Granted, they were never going to give him (or the majority of the American people) everything he wanted. But, unlike the never-Trump RINOS (like John McCain), the Democrats were at least willing to talk about it, and possibly compromise.
America is divided enough already, without our elected officials acting like spoiled children, and widening the gap. If you don't like the President turning to your opponents, then grow the hell up, and do the job you were elected to do.
Another London Attack
Well, it's happened again... another attempted terrorist attack in London.
Thankfully, it appears the bomb planted on a subway car during rush hour, misfired. So far, the news is saying over twenty people were burned or injured, but there were no deaths. (Thank God!)
Lately, it seems England has been leading the rest of the free world in terrorist attacks carried out by radicalized extremists. (To be fair and completely honest, no one has claimed this one yet. So, we don't really know who is responsible for this one.)
So many people now, are asking why this keep happening over there (and in Paris, which is running a close second on the number of incidents)? Why are the terrorists targeting London, when they've tried to be so accommodating to the Muslims, and the Syrian refugees?
I'm no expert, but it seems pretty obvious to me, why this is happening. It's precisely because of their tolerance, and open border policies.
You see, radical Islamist aren't like most other Muslims. They aren't seeking peaceful coexistence with anyone outside their own religious beliefs. In fact, They believe that their faith explicitly forbids it, and demands that others either convert, or die. (Whether or not, this is the true teachings of Muhammad, is for someone else to decide, since it's not my religion.)
For them, a Christian or secular, country opening it's borders to a devout Muslim population is a sign of weakness and submission. They cannot comprehend any belief that's will to live in harmony with people who don't share their views. To them, this is blasphemy, and the worst possible kind of crime.
This could also explain why they refuse to assimilate when relocating to another culture. They view it as a mockery of their religious teachings and principles.
And so, when they encounter a culture preaching tolerance and coexistence, they view that culture as either Godless and weak, or worse, a people casually worshipping a false God. They then feel it's their duty to either convert them to what they believe is the true path, or destroy them for the honor and glory of their God.
Don't get me wrong in this post. I'm not siding with radical Islam, or trying to justify their cowardly, terroristic acts. I am merely trying to explain, and learn, why they attack innocent civilians, and behave the way they do.
It will never be enough to simply label someone as evil, or to just say that they hate us, and leave it at that. If you truly want to defeat an enemy, you have to get inside their head, and really understand what drives them.
There is no action in life (good or evil) without motive. Everything happens for a reason, whether you see it or not. And, until we know the jihadists' reasons, we'll never truly know how to stop them.
Thankfully, it appears the bomb planted on a subway car during rush hour, misfired. So far, the news is saying over twenty people were burned or injured, but there were no deaths. (Thank God!)
Lately, it seems England has been leading the rest of the free world in terrorist attacks carried out by radicalized extremists. (To be fair and completely honest, no one has claimed this one yet. So, we don't really know who is responsible for this one.)
So many people now, are asking why this keep happening over there (and in Paris, which is running a close second on the number of incidents)? Why are the terrorists targeting London, when they've tried to be so accommodating to the Muslims, and the Syrian refugees?
I'm no expert, but it seems pretty obvious to me, why this is happening. It's precisely because of their tolerance, and open border policies.
You see, radical Islamist aren't like most other Muslims. They aren't seeking peaceful coexistence with anyone outside their own religious beliefs. In fact, They believe that their faith explicitly forbids it, and demands that others either convert, or die. (Whether or not, this is the true teachings of Muhammad, is for someone else to decide, since it's not my religion.)
For them, a Christian or secular, country opening it's borders to a devout Muslim population is a sign of weakness and submission. They cannot comprehend any belief that's will to live in harmony with people who don't share their views. To them, this is blasphemy, and the worst possible kind of crime.
This could also explain why they refuse to assimilate when relocating to another culture. They view it as a mockery of their religious teachings and principles.
And so, when they encounter a culture preaching tolerance and coexistence, they view that culture as either Godless and weak, or worse, a people casually worshipping a false God. They then feel it's their duty to either convert them to what they believe is the true path, or destroy them for the honor and glory of their God.
Don't get me wrong in this post. I'm not siding with radical Islam, or trying to justify their cowardly, terroristic acts. I am merely trying to explain, and learn, why they attack innocent civilians, and behave the way they do.
It will never be enough to simply label someone as evil, or to just say that they hate us, and leave it at that. If you truly want to defeat an enemy, you have to get inside their head, and really understand what drives them.
There is no action in life (good or evil) without motive. Everything happens for a reason, whether you see it or not. And, until we know the jihadists' reasons, we'll never truly know how to stop them.
DACA Must Go
Go ahead. Call me a racist, or say that I'm heartless and "unfeeling". I don't really care anymore.
The simple truth of the matter is, DACA must go.
It's unconstitutional, illegal, and actually immoral.
It's often said that America is a nation of laws, which means our laws have to have meaning, and they must apply to everyone equally. We cannot simply pick and choose which laws we will follow, and which we can ignore. If this were the case, there would be no need for laws, police or prisons at all.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with feeling bad for the so-called "Dreamers", and the terrible position they're in. It's okay to acknowledge that it's not their fault they were brought here illegally as children.
However, we also have to accept that the law is the law, and it's in place for a reason. We cannot (and should not) reward violations, at the expense of actual American citizens.
Yes, I am aware that Dreamers were brought here by their parents, and didn't have a choice. I also know that they were raised here, and many of them know almost nothing of their home country. And, that several have family members that are legal American citizens.
However, I am also aware that in order to get a livable wage at any job in this country, you must have a Social Security number, or a work visa. Since Dreamers are undocumented with immigration, one can only assume that a large number of them are using bogus, or stolen, numbers to go to school, or find work. (It's not racist, it's logic.)
If I were to steal, or make up, a Social Security number to get a job, I would be in serious trouble, when the authorities found out. It wouldn't matter how good my intentions may have been, or how hungry my family was. That is the law, and I violated it, end of story.
Another way to look at the situation is, if I were to rob a bank, and put the money in a trust fund for my kids, they wouldn't be allowed to keep the money after I was caught. In other words, they couldn't benefit from my crime.
Entering the United States without the proper documentation is illegal (just as it is in every other country on the planet). It doesn't matter what your excuse may be, or how you may feel about it emotionally.
Illegal aliens (Dreamers, or othetwise), take jobs away from citizens. They also drive down wages on certain low-level jobs, because employers can get away with paying them less, and don't have to provide benefits. (Who are they going to tell?)
So, supporting illegal aliens and sanctuary cities, is actually a form of exploitation. But, of course, Regressive politicians already knew this.
The truth is, most of the politicians on the Left have never really given a damn about illegal aliens, or their struggles. All that truly matters, is appearing to care, and trying to help. If they look like they're on the aliens' side, they win the votes of the illegals' friends and family whom are here legally. Plus, several Liberal areas are already trying to give aliens the right to vote themselves. (I wonder who they'll vote for when this happens...)
I don't doubt that the average, everyday Liberal out there, actually feels for these people, and genuinely wants to help them. Just as I have no doubts that this emotional debate was created, and is being stirred, by power hungry politicians, who only care about securing votes for themselves and their party.
There is nothing in the Constitution that grants the right to stay here illegally, if you were brought here as a child. DACA was/is an illegal bill, passed by Executive Order by President Obama (intent on side-stepping the law, and our Constitution). It sounds compassionate, and gives people the warm-fuzzies to think they're doing a good thing. But, are they really?
"America first" isn't just a slogan. It's how each of us must live, if our nation is going to survive. So, as cold and harsh as it may sound, we must get rid of DACA, for the good of the nation.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Sixteen Years Ago
Just like every year on this day, I'm sitting in remembrance of the day when the towers fell, the Pentagon was attacked, and a group of brave souls prevented a fourth strike on an unknown target.
I watch old news footage, and remember where I was when I first heard of the attacks. I sit in silent prayer and contemplation of everything this day means (or should mean) to American citizens. And I wonder...
Why haven't we learned our lesson?
Yes, we've tightened our security measures, and made flying more inconvenient. But, we really haven't gotten any safer, or learned anything about being Americans, or human beings.
After the tragedies of September 11th, 2001, we all came together. Every one of us. There were no white people or black people, no Republicans or Democrats, no Liberals or Conservatives. We were all Americans, united in our grief and moral outrage over these cowardly, unGodly attacks.
Suddenly, it didn't matter if you voted for or against George W. Bush, or whether you agreed with his policies or not. All that mattered, was our nation, and finding the people responsible. We were United and strong, the way a truly great nation should be.
Of course, it didn't take long for the idiots (calling themselves 9/11 truthers) to start coming out of the woodwork, spreading division and wild and bogus conspiracy theories about how steel doesn't melt. But, in the beginning, we were all on the same page.
No one was arguing over which bathroom we should be using, or whining that they need a "safe space" because they might be traumatized over someone else's differing opinion. No one was worried that we may hurt the terrorists' feelings, by speaking the truth about their beliefs and actions.
If we are going to survive as a nation, we need to stop allowing others to divide us, and stop focusing on what makes us different from each other. We need to remember that we're all one people (regardless of skin color, gender or political affiliation), and that our country must come first.
I know, there are a lot of people out there, who think we need to be "global citizens" first and foremost. But, the truth is, we need to protect our own interest, just as every other country is protecting theirs. No one else in the world will defend your rights as an American citizen, if you're unable, or unwilling to. And, once they're gone, it will be nearly impossible to get them back.
So, on September 11th, we should always remember that freedom isn't free, and there are always people out there, who would love to take yours from you.
Friday, September 8, 2017
No NFL For Me, Thanks
I'm done with the NFL. (Not that they'll notice, or care.)
I'm sick to death of all these whiney, steroid addicted sissies disrespecting our National Anthem, and our nation.
These are young, black men, making millions of dollars, to play a game that high school kids play for free (or even have to pay to play). Yet, America is so "oppressive" and "racist". Give me a damned break!
Anyone who knows me personally (or bothers to read through my blog), knows that I don't suffer fools, liars or racists. It seems to me that the NFL is full of all three (generally, in the same players).
You're not "oppressed" if you're making $64 million a year to play a game, whether you win or lose. You're not a "victim of racism", if you're black and work for a company that employs African-Americans as over 70% of its workforce. You're not standing up for others, if you live in a multi-million dollar mansion, and your only act of "protest" is kneeling or sitting through the National Anthem.
With all the real problems we're facing in this day and age, the last thing we need is more manufactured outrage by spoiled rich people who've lost touch with the real world (if they ever had it to begin with.)
Therefore, you can keep your NFL, and anything else that endorses division, activist racism, and sheer stupidity. I have better things to waste my time and money on.
I'm sick to death of all these whiney, steroid addicted sissies disrespecting our National Anthem, and our nation.
These are young, black men, making millions of dollars, to play a game that high school kids play for free (or even have to pay to play). Yet, America is so "oppressive" and "racist". Give me a damned break!
Anyone who knows me personally (or bothers to read through my blog), knows that I don't suffer fools, liars or racists. It seems to me that the NFL is full of all three (generally, in the same players).
You're not "oppressed" if you're making $64 million a year to play a game, whether you win or lose. You're not a "victim of racism", if you're black and work for a company that employs African-Americans as over 70% of its workforce. You're not standing up for others, if you live in a multi-million dollar mansion, and your only act of "protest" is kneeling or sitting through the National Anthem.
With all the real problems we're facing in this day and age, the last thing we need is more manufactured outrage by spoiled rich people who've lost touch with the real world (if they ever had it to begin with.)
Therefore, you can keep your NFL, and anything else that endorses division, activist racism, and sheer stupidity. I have better things to waste my time and money on.
Monday, September 4, 2017
Our Only Option?
I keep hearing how there aren't any good options for dealing with a nuclear North Korea. That may very well be true, but they still must be dealt with.
We cannot allow them to continue building their strength, stockpiling weapons, and making threats. Evil must be stopped.
Our last two President's did very little to stop the evil dynasty. All their talks and sanctions were doomed to fail, even before they were attempted. They knew this, and we're only kicking the can farther down the road. They did the bare minimum they could get by with, while the Kim family continued to grow in power.
Now, there's almost nothing we can do anymore, and the threat is becoming more serious by the minute.
The last thing anyone in America wants, is another long and drawn out war (especially one we've already lost in the past). We're sick of regime changing and nation building. But, in this case, we may not have much choice.
I know that in the seventies, President Jimmy Carter signed an order forbidding the United States from assassinating government officials in other countries (either directly, or through third parties). However, this is a very delicate and extremely sticky situation.
It may require a surgical strike directed at Kim Jong Un, and a few of his top advisors. While, at the same time, we could launch a cyber attack on their missile systems to keep them grounded.
We could even try to rally the support of the people themselves, and help them to stage a coup. If/when it works, we can step in, remove all the nukes, and destroy all their research.
Yes, I know that China "won't allow it", but they won't really have a choice. They have had opportunity after opportunity to reign in their lapdog, and have only recently made any sort of effort. They aren't stupid, they know a nuclear North Korea is far too dangerous to allow.
It's obvious that talking to Un, or sanctioning him, isn't going to work. Unfortunately, in my mind, that only leaves one other option. Because we sure as hell can't keep ignoring him.
We cannot allow them to continue building their strength, stockpiling weapons, and making threats. Evil must be stopped.
Our last two President's did very little to stop the evil dynasty. All their talks and sanctions were doomed to fail, even before they were attempted. They knew this, and we're only kicking the can farther down the road. They did the bare minimum they could get by with, while the Kim family continued to grow in power.
Now, there's almost nothing we can do anymore, and the threat is becoming more serious by the minute.
The last thing anyone in America wants, is another long and drawn out war (especially one we've already lost in the past). We're sick of regime changing and nation building. But, in this case, we may not have much choice.
I know that in the seventies, President Jimmy Carter signed an order forbidding the United States from assassinating government officials in other countries (either directly, or through third parties). However, this is a very delicate and extremely sticky situation.
It may require a surgical strike directed at Kim Jong Un, and a few of his top advisors. While, at the same time, we could launch a cyber attack on their missile systems to keep them grounded.
We could even try to rally the support of the people themselves, and help them to stage a coup. If/when it works, we can step in, remove all the nukes, and destroy all their research.
Yes, I know that China "won't allow it", but they won't really have a choice. They have had opportunity after opportunity to reign in their lapdog, and have only recently made any sort of effort. They aren't stupid, they know a nuclear North Korea is far too dangerous to allow.
It's obvious that talking to Un, or sanctioning him, isn't going to work. Unfortunately, in my mind, that only leaves one other option. Because we sure as hell can't keep ignoring him.
Friday, September 1, 2017
My Testimony
Until about three years ago, I was an atheist. For most of my adult life, I was a very loud, outspoken and proud non-believer. There was nothing I loved more than to point out all the "flaws" I saw in both the belief and the believer. (They even had a term for people like me... the "Angry Atheist".)
As time went on, I began to realize how juvenile and idiotic I was acting by tearing down other people's deeply held beliefs, and getting seriously worked up over seeing a Nativity scene on public display. The religion wasn't physically threatening or harming me in any way, and I was acting every bit as intolerant as I was accusing Christians of being.
I had considered myself somewhat "enlightened" back then, and decided that, although I would never be a believer myself (or so I thought), it was not my place to change others' views.
I still considered myself morally superior, and capable of living my life anyway I want, without "divine help" or guidance.
I couldn't have been more wrong.
After years of doing things my own way, without any care or concern as to whom I hurt, or what the consequences would be, it all finally caught up to me one night.
I had been caught red handed in actions I will no longer speak about, but only to say they were extremely bad. In an instant, my whole life crumbled around me, and I truly lost everything (my house, my car, my wife and my kids). I was homeless, alone and had no hopes of ever recovering.
Two weeks into being on my own, and not hearing anything from my wife or kids, I had finally reached the end of my rope. I couldn't take it anymore, and decided it would be better for everyone, if I were gone. It wasn't a cry for help, or a pity party, I had a plan and fully intended to carry it out. Besides, I had no one that I could have cried for help to, all I had was the clothes on my back, my work cell phone and a company truck from my job, that I was sleeping in. (I was a truck driver at the time.)
I can still recall the moment vividly. I was hauling some freight, and mentally working on my plan. That evening, I was going to deliver the load, drive to a truck stop, and end it all. I remember how clear it all seemed to me, how this was the only logical choice I had left. My wife and kids hated me, and I would never be able to rebuild what I had lost (thrown away).
As I drove, the truck radio suddenly came on by itself. It spooked the hell out of me, but I quickly decided it was a malfunction.
As I reached to turn it off, it began changing channels away from the static, and ended up on a station playing some really great sounding metal (one of my favorite styles of music). I had never heard the song before, and the singer didn't sound familiar to me, but these guys really rocked. The eerie thing was, the song was entitled "Not Gonna Die Tonight" by a band I later found out was called Skillet. The next song to come on, rocked even harder than the first, and was called "Take the Bullets Away" by We As Human. By the time it ended, I was feeling a warm sense of peace like I had never known before.
It was as if I wasn't alone in that truck, and whoever was there, wanted to comfort me. I couldn't even begin to describe it to you now.
That night, I did something I never thought I would ever do... I prayed. I told the Lord that if He was real, and that had been him, send me another sign. One I couldn't explain away or mistake.
I awoke the next morning to my cell phone ringing. My wife, whom I hadn't spoken to in two weeks and absolutely hated me, was calling because she dreamed I tried to kill myself. She was in tears, and we talked about working things out and me getting help.
From that moment, I became a Christian, and forever changed. It hasn't been easy, and I still struggle, but my life has been so much better.
Well, that's my story, and I really don't care if anyone believes it or not. I know what I went through, and I know what it's like to disbelieve everything you're told. I also know that personal experiences will never stand as valid proof to the skeptical mind.
But, most of all, I know about love, forgiveness, and redemption. Say whatever you wish about me, or the Christian belief, but that's the God I follow.
As time went on, I began to realize how juvenile and idiotic I was acting by tearing down other people's deeply held beliefs, and getting seriously worked up over seeing a Nativity scene on public display. The religion wasn't physically threatening or harming me in any way, and I was acting every bit as intolerant as I was accusing Christians of being.
I had considered myself somewhat "enlightened" back then, and decided that, although I would never be a believer myself (or so I thought), it was not my place to change others' views.
I still considered myself morally superior, and capable of living my life anyway I want, without "divine help" or guidance.
I couldn't have been more wrong.
After years of doing things my own way, without any care or concern as to whom I hurt, or what the consequences would be, it all finally caught up to me one night.
I had been caught red handed in actions I will no longer speak about, but only to say they were extremely bad. In an instant, my whole life crumbled around me, and I truly lost everything (my house, my car, my wife and my kids). I was homeless, alone and had no hopes of ever recovering.
Two weeks into being on my own, and not hearing anything from my wife or kids, I had finally reached the end of my rope. I couldn't take it anymore, and decided it would be better for everyone, if I were gone. It wasn't a cry for help, or a pity party, I had a plan and fully intended to carry it out. Besides, I had no one that I could have cried for help to, all I had was the clothes on my back, my work cell phone and a company truck from my job, that I was sleeping in. (I was a truck driver at the time.)
I can still recall the moment vividly. I was hauling some freight, and mentally working on my plan. That evening, I was going to deliver the load, drive to a truck stop, and end it all. I remember how clear it all seemed to me, how this was the only logical choice I had left. My wife and kids hated me, and I would never be able to rebuild what I had lost (thrown away).
As I drove, the truck radio suddenly came on by itself. It spooked the hell out of me, but I quickly decided it was a malfunction.
As I reached to turn it off, it began changing channels away from the static, and ended up on a station playing some really great sounding metal (one of my favorite styles of music). I had never heard the song before, and the singer didn't sound familiar to me, but these guys really rocked. The eerie thing was, the song was entitled "Not Gonna Die Tonight" by a band I later found out was called Skillet. The next song to come on, rocked even harder than the first, and was called "Take the Bullets Away" by We As Human. By the time it ended, I was feeling a warm sense of peace like I had never known before.
It was as if I wasn't alone in that truck, and whoever was there, wanted to comfort me. I couldn't even begin to describe it to you now.
That night, I did something I never thought I would ever do... I prayed. I told the Lord that if He was real, and that had been him, send me another sign. One I couldn't explain away or mistake.
I awoke the next morning to my cell phone ringing. My wife, whom I hadn't spoken to in two weeks and absolutely hated me, was calling because she dreamed I tried to kill myself. She was in tears, and we talked about working things out and me getting help.
From that moment, I became a Christian, and forever changed. It hasn't been easy, and I still struggle, but my life has been so much better.
Well, that's my story, and I really don't care if anyone believes it or not. I know what I went through, and I know what it's like to disbelieve everything you're told. I also know that personal experiences will never stand as valid proof to the skeptical mind.
But, most of all, I know about love, forgiveness, and redemption. Say whatever you wish about me, or the Christian belief, but that's the God I follow.
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