Sunday, January 29, 2017

10 Things I Believe

Given the craziness going on in the world today, I've decided that it'd be a good idea to make a list of some of my core values and principles. This way, I can remove any doubt as to where I stand on some of the issues of the day...

I believe...

1. That God is the Creator of man, his only true judge and the originator of all his rights and freedoms. I also believe that Jesus is my Lord and Savior, and if this offends anyone... TOUGH! I would much rather offend you than Him.

2. That everyone (regardless of race, color, gender or religion) is entitled to the exact same rights and liberties in America, provided they uphold and follow our laws.

3. That all life is precious, and should only be taken in self-defense, the defense of others or in exchange for maliciously murdering others.

4. That there is no God-given "right" to murder a child. Everyone has the right to do whatever they want with their own body, without government regulation or interference, and we all have the right to our own survival. But, these rights include the child's as well.

5. That our Constitution was written, not as a means of defining our rights or restricting them, but as a way to limit and restrict the government's power. I also feel that our elected officials have seriously overstepped their Constitutional authority for way too long, and need to return to the original intent of the document.

6. That all nations on the Earth are entitled to their own sovereignty, laws and rights within their borders and territories. Americans traveling abroad should follow the laws of the nations they enter. Just as those coming here should follow ours.

7. That being wealthy, famous and/or powerful should be considered a privilege and a reflection of your hard work and driving spirit. These are signs of personal success and the American Dream in action to be celebrated, not loathed and spit upon. Nor should they be used in an attempt to block the success of others and to keep certain groups down.

8.  That a person's money and property (if obtained legally through work or inheritance) is their own to use as they see fit. No one else (the government included) should be able to make a claim on or against it. No one else should have the authority or right to tell them how, where or on what to spend it.  If you didn't earn it, it's not yours.

9. Welfare should only be  temporary for anyone not elderly or permanently disabled. The benefits should only cover the essentials for life, and require mandatory drug testing, as well as proof of either ongoing vocational training or legitimate job searching.

10.  That every citizen is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions, and has the right to peacefully express them, without interference or interfering with another's right to do the same. Disagreeing with someone, doesn't automatically make you a racist, sexist or any kind of a "phobe". The right to disagree and dissent is one of our most fundamental and important rights in America.

There are more (of course), and I will most likely cover them in other posts. However, these 10 are the ones I feel everyone should understand about me right away.

Just remember... We are all entitled to our own beliefs and opinions, but not our own facts.

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