Okay, so I'm kind of fired up tonight, on a few issues I'm sick to death of dealing with on a daily basis. Not surprisingly, these issues stem from flat out Liberal lies and deliberate misdirections.
First of all... NO ONE (and I mean NO ONE) is planning on just yanking away Obamacare (or the ACA, if you prefer) without replacing it with something else. That's just stupid. Despite all the B.S. and rhetoric, the truth is nobody wants grandma to die. The Conservatives just want it to be sustainable and truly all inclusive. There's no way to cover all the poor people, if the middle class and wealthy can't afford to cover themselves as well, and that will only happen if you allow Insurance companies to compete across state lines, and stop making nuns pay for birth control, while single 50 year old men pay for mammograms.
Which brings me to my next topic... defunding Planned Parenthood. This is not an attack on women's health, or women in general. Planned Parenthood isn't the only institution out there providing services for women (not even close). And, though they claim that abortions only make up about 3% of their business, recent audits and the infamous undercover investigations found the number is actually much higher. They were caught actively seeking to violate the law on numerous occasions, while using our tax dollars to do it, and yet the Liberals want us to ignore that fact.
By the way, being "pro-life" isn't an attack on women or their rights either. Everyone, male or female, has the right to do whatever they want with their own body (as long as it doesn't involve anyone else's body or rights to do the same). However, there is no God-given right to stop an innocent beating heart, or functioning brain. That's murder, no matter what you may tell yourself to try and justify the act. (But, that's between you and God, and there won't be any wiggle room when that conversation goes down.)
Third, I am sick to death of the celebrity and upper middle class "righteous indignation" over the treatment of the poor and minorities. Just stop it already. You're not fooling anyone, when you're standing at a podium, wearing Prada and Armani, and talking about "social justice", the evil rich, or your latest charity/cause. I'm glad some of you use a very small portion of your own wealth to "help", but let's get real for a moment... You're not fooling anyone. We can all see through you. The majority of these celebrities (even the ones claiming to want to be anonymous) are only taking up these causes because it's fashionable and keeps them in the public eye. It makes them feel superior to call attention to some conflict or problem either no one else knows about, or hasn't been able to solve. There's nothing noble about doing charitable works just so you can feel better about yourself, or pat yourself on the back. (Especially, when you overinflate the significance or importance of the cause, like climate change.)
Fourth, (I've tackled this one quite a bit, but it keeps coming up.) Race-baiters and racists don't give a damn about all the drama we see them getting involved with on the news. It's simple a means to stay relevant and in control. Think about it this way, if there wasn't a "racial divide" in this country right now, how would men like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson make their living? Yes, both men are Reverends, but I promise you, they wouldn't have nearly as much money or influence, if there wasn't so much racial tension out there. Men like this (and throw Congressman John Lewis into this mix) may not always start the problems we're facing nowadays, but no one can honestly claim they don't stir it up and keep it going long after it should've died down.
I'm just wondering why no one has ever thought to publicly ask why every time the African-American community finds itself getting hit with rioting or poverty, these men get richer? Why does no one else seem to notice that they're profiting and feeding off the misery and suffering of their own race (the very people they claim they're trying to help)?
But, then again, they're not the first or only ones to do this. The so-called "Progressive Left" has been doing it since the days of Jim Crow and the "Great Society". Democrats like Lyndon Johnson learned that, instead of lynchings and ruling through fear and oppression, if you make the minorities into victims and then hand out freebies like food stamps (rather than promoting education and employment in their communities), they keep you in power for generations. (Who wouldn't prefer having everything handed to you, rather than having to struggle for it?) And, when they finally begin to see that their communities are crumbling and their kids aren't getting a proper education, all you have to do is point out that your opponents are "holding them down" and won't let then succeed. Point to the wealthy and successful, and claim that they got that way by keeping the poor and minorities in poverty (while conveniently leaving out any hard work or education they had to acquire to get there themselves).
Anyway, the point of this entire post, is that I'm fed up with the victimization of the average citizen (white, black or other), by the same ideology that claims to be so all-inclusive and "tolerant". I'm tired of watching people fall for the same old B.S. bait-and-switch tactics of having the Liberal elite pretend to care so much for the underprivileged, while holding them there with their freebies and victimization. If you truly care about your fellow man, help him to better himself and get the skills he needs to support his family.
The old proverb "Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Teach him to fish, and he'll eat forever." still rings truer now than ever.
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