Am I the only one who is sick and tired of all the non-sense and b.s. we're being fed in the world today? Am I really standing alone in my quest for truth and a little common sense?
I'm fed up with bigotry and hatred masquerading as tolerance and unity. I've had enough of watching our society be divided by the very same people who tell us we need to stand together for equality, of watching our cities riot and burn by the ones who claim to want peace and justice.
It's time for anyone out there with even an ounce of human dignity and intelligence left within them to stand up, and denounce the insanity. It's time that we take back our schools, our media, our government and our very lives.
You will never have peace or justice by burning down your neighborhoods every time something happens you don't agree with. You will never have equality and unity, as long as you focus on the things which divide and separate us as a nation and a people. If all you look for is racism and intolerance, guess what you'll find?
Whatever happened to decency and understanding? To treating people with the same respect you demand for yourself?
A simple test for determining if something is truly right or wrong is simply asking, "If I held the opposite view, would I want someone to treat me the way I'm treating others now?" For example, I'm willing to bet a vast majority of the protesters at nearly every demonstration now days, would have an issue with watching people march and destroy their cities while chanting",White Lives Matter!" (If that would be considered racist and hateful, why isn't it in reverse?)
If you truly want equality, then be equal. Don't take, or demand liberties not afforded to anyone else. And don't allow anyone to manipulate your emotions and principles in order to stir you into a frenzy, and further their own agenda. In other words, stop being a puppet for people who claim to have your interests at heart, but only want your support to gain or keep power.
True freedom and equality rarely relies upon violence, hate or illegal activities to be upheld or enforced. Real tolerance means listening to every point of view, not just the ones you agree with. It also means defending everyone's rights, even those you may personally oppose.
To quote Bill O'Reilly, "Bad behavior does not justify bad behavior." Just because something was done to you, does not give you the right to do it to someone else. Real character and mortality come from "being the bigger person" and "turning the other cheek".
I know, all this sounds like a bunch of clichés, but believe me, there are undeniable truths in them. All it requires is a little honest thought to see it.
In the end, it really doesn't matter whether you're a Liberal or Conservative, Democrat or Republican, or something in between. When it all comes down to it, we're all human beings made of the same flesh and blood. No one wants to be treated any less, and no one deserves to be treated any better than anyone else.
"Love thy neighbor, as thyself." Was more than a commandment from Christ. It was/is an universal human truth. Without it, the world is pure chaos, and we are nothing more than mere animals.
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