Legally and morally, the answer is a resounding "no".
According to American federal laws, no one is supposed to profit from the commission of a crime. Not the suspect, nor anyone connected to them.
Makes sense, right?
Then, tell me how it's "fair" that someone violates our immigration laws, sneaks their kids across our borders, and we're supposed to reward the kids with an illegally obtained visa/citizenship?
I can understand, and sympathize, that the underage kids had no choice in coming here. But, neither did the American people. They didn't sneak the children in, so why should they be responsible for them staying?
The law is the law, as cold and cruel as it may seem sometimes. It's in place for a reason, and can't be ignored just because we don't like when it goes against our views.
The so-called "Dreamer Act" (DACA), is unconstitutional, dangerous and disastrous for the American economy. It's also a sneaky, backsided way for politicians to earn more voters for their party.
The Regressives love painting a picture of some poor, young illegal child going to college, or serving in the military to better themselves and the country. But, this is seldom true, statistically. In fact, a majority of "Dreamers" work low-skill jobs (with stolen Id's and social security numbers), have higher reported incidents of drug addiction and violent crime convictions, and are more likely to join gangs. (Don't believe me? Check the Federal Department of Sentencing.)
I'm sick of hearing how deporting illegal aliens (including "Dreamers") is cruel and tears apart families. Arresting the bank robber in my earlier example, would tear apart his family, but he broke the law. So, the cruelty is on the violater, not the people enforcing the law. The children wouldn't be submitted to the evils of deportation, if mommy and daddy had done things legally.
Of course, the Regressives and Democrats fully support DACA (and even open borders). But, don't be fooled... it has nothing to do with the "plight of the poor immigrants", and everything to do with political power. By "championing" illegal aliens, you earn votes from their family members who are here legally, by at least looking like you care. And who knows? Maybe, if you can succeed in getting them to stay, one day you can give them voting rights as well. (I wonder who they would vote for then? The person who fought to keep them here, or the one who tried to kick them out?)
One last thing to think about... illegal aliens take jobs, and do so at unfair (and illegal) wages. Why pay an American minimum wage (or better) to pick oranges, when you can hire an alien to do it for ten dollars a day? As long as we're allowing them to hire aliens, they don't have to pay fair salaries, whick keeps prices low, but also hurts the economy.
The argument that Americans won't do the jobs aliens typically do, is false. They won't do those jobs for the wages aliens make (which is fair).
In short, wanting to ban DACA, build a wall and strengthen our immigration system isn't racist. It's patriotic and American. It's the same right every other nation on Earth has, and uses without excuse or apology.
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