Case in point... The looming government shutdown, and the Democrats' reaction to it.
They own this shutdown, and everyone (including them) knows it. There is no way they can honestly pin this one on Trump or the GOP, but that's not going to stop them from trying.
If you look at the details of the Continuing Resolution, there's not one item in there the Democrats have ever objected to before. In fact, a few of the items were actually written and sponsored by Dems in the past.
Five years ago, when we were facing a shutdown over defunding Obamacare, Chuck Schumer called the Republicans "terrorists" who were holding Americans hostage to get their way. Nancy Pelosi called them "arsonists".
Now, the shoe is on the other foot, and both Chucky-boy and Madame Sleletor are the ones coyly calling for a shutdown over DACA. How is this any different at all?
For once, I'm glad to see the Senate Republicans actually sticking to their guns on something though. (Well, except for a few predictable RINOs like Jeff Flake and Lindsey Graham, who have never had a spine to begin with.) They're actually taking a page from the Regressives' own playbook, and attached a catchy nickname to the shutdown, to help people remember who's at fault. The "Schumer Shutdown" has a nice ring to it, and unlike the Left's nicknames, this one has a fair dose of truth and honesty behind it.
Now, the shoe is on the other foot, and both Chucky-boy and Madame Sleletor are the ones coyly calling for a shutdown over DACA. How is this any different at all?
For once, I'm glad to see the Senate Republicans actually sticking to their guns on something though. (Well, except for a few predictable RINOs like Jeff Flake and Lindsey Graham, who have never had a spine to begin with.) They're actually taking a page from the Regressives' own playbook, and attached a catchy nickname to the shutdown, to help people remember who's at fault. The "Schumer Shutdown" has a nice ring to it, and unlike the Left's nicknames, this one has a fair dose of truth and honesty behind it.
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