Apparently, I will never learn...
Yesterday, I was publicly confronted by a rabid, Left-wing Regressive at a laundromat for thanking a veteran for his service. "Confronted" may actually not be a strong enough word here, since it very nearly came to blows at one point.
The man immediately identified himself as a Liberal, and informed me that he didn't believe that we owed our veterans any sort of thanks for serving. From there, the conversation quickly devolved into an angry tirade on conservatism and how the Right is "destroying" America. His semi-coherent, self-agrandizing rants ranged from the economy, to abolishing the Second Amendment, to how Mitt Romney was actually responsible for Bengahzi instead of Hillary Clinton (I know, I laughed so hard I nearly fainted at that one). Not surprisingly, he was completely incapable of going two minutes without using personal attacks and insults against President Trump and anyone currently supporting him.
The man claimed to be a recently retired environmental engineer, yet had no idea who Cass Sunstien is (Obama's environmental czar, and a former head of the EPA). He instantly and immediately discredited any and all "Right-wing news" and fact-checking media sources, while singing the praises of such historically inaccurate sources as MSNBC and the Huffington Post. On at least two different occasions, he asserted that people who listen/watch Conservative news media are grossly misinformed and "getting the whole picture", yet couldn't even tell me who Peter Strzok is. (He's the pro-Hillary FBI agent that "investigated" Clinton's email/server scandal, then was assigned to the Mueller Russian Collusion Delusion before being removed... For any Liberals out there who are so much "better informed").
Through most of this confrontation, I could hardly get a word in edge-wise, and was not only cussed, but frequently shouted down (in true Regressive freedom of speech fashion). However, two positive things did come from the encounter...
One, I did manage to get him to admit that the Left isn't truly interested in gun control, like they claim. In the heat of his argument, when I pressed the question of what new gun law would actually work to prevent mass shootings, he yelled angrily, "completely banning them altogether!"
And two... He managed to reaffirm my original assertion that you can't truly argue with a Left-wing Regressive. If someone creates their own facts and reality, it's pointless to try and change their mind, or present actual evidence.
All in all, it reminded me of a quote from a famous science fiction author, Robert Heinlein... "Never try to teach a pig to whistle. You'll only end up looking foolish, and you'll frustrate the hell out of the pig."
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