Okay, so we get it... You're not happy because Donald Trump won the election, and you're worried about all the things he promised to do during the campaign. Fine, we get it.
But, that doesn't give you the right to riot in the streets, and burn down businesses and neighborhoods like a bunch of animals on a rampage. It doesn't give the press the right to make up any story they can about him or his family, and then whine when he fights back.
You know, Jesus once said, "Before you complain about the speck in my eye, you should first remove the plank from yours."
Yes, Donald Trump hasn't always been honest with the facts. But then, neither has the media. And, to my knowledge, they've been lying and twisting the truth a lot longer than he has.
As a matter of fact, as I write this, there are calls for an investigation into whether members of Trump's campaign worked with the Russians to hack the Democrats' emails and sway the election. There is evidence that Attorney General Jeff Sessions (a Senator at the time) met with a Russian Ambassador and didn't report it. There's no proof that they discussed anything illegal, but Sessions recused himself because of how it looked.
And now we find out, it wasn't just Sessions. Several high-ranking Democrats, including Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Schumer also met with the same Ambassador, even though they are protesting and a speaking out against Sessions! (The Left's hypocrisy knows no bounds.)
Since the election, the Left has been raising one concern after another about Trump's Presidency. Some of them (very few) are legitimate. However, a lot are bogus and baseless, or simply oppositional for the sake of opposing him. This is divisive and stupid, and really needs to stop.
No one is denying the Left's right to disagree with the President, or their rights to free speech and assembly. Those are fundamental, and a healthy part of our society. What needs to stop is the rioting, and the obstructionism for the sake of obstructionism. It's petty, unproductive and accomplishes nothing but tearing down our nation and our people on a whole.
And before anyone points out that the Republicans obstructed Obama and the Democrats for the six out of eight years... I would point out that there weren't any Conservative-led riots, or people in Congress publicly stating Obama was not their President and they would do everything they could to stop him in everything he tries to do. (Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity both made comments along these lines lines, but neither are elected officials.)
Right now, Democrats are acting like spoiled toddlers who have finally been told no (and that's exactly how the general public is seeing them). They're throwing everything they can come up with at the wall, just to see what they can make stick. Instead of doing what the Republicans did in their place eight years ago, and trying to find a way to work the system, by getting some of their ideas passed and minimize the damage done by the other side.
Call me whatever you like, but I don't recall ever seeing all those "uneducated, backwoods, rednecks" in the TEA Party dressing as vaginas and burning down their cities while chanting idiotic slogans. I don't remember Trump, or any of his supporters telling the American public that we'd have to pass his immigration bill to know what's in it. I don't see him making promises, and then not lifting a finger to even try to get them to pass. (You may not like what he promised, but you have to admit he's at least trying to fulfill them.)
The real problem currently, isn't that the Democrats (and some anti-Trump Republicans) are protesting things they feel are unfair. It's that they feel everything the other side does is unfair, and are protesting every little thing equally. All this does is detracts from the truly big and important issues, and makes people ignore everything. It's like my mother always used to tell me, "Choose your battles wisely."
With the current climate (still waiting on the change!) on the Left, all the hateful rhetoric and intolerance of Conservatives, I'm starting to call them "Regressives", rather than Progressives. To me, it's a more apt description.
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