Friday, March 2, 2018

Still here...

In light of recent events, I had to take a little time off, to do a little soul searching and self evaluation. I needed a little "me time", to get a few things straight, and see where I truly stand.

To be honest, I wasn really sure if I wanted to do this anymore. According to the counter, almost no one ever sees this blog, and I seriously doubt anyone ever bothers to read it. I don't always have the time or energy to write, and hate repeating myself.

However, I didn't start this for followers or readers. I didn't keep at it this long to be popular. My main goal was to vent, and try to put at least a little truth and common sense out there. My reasons for writing have always been purely selfish, and I am fine with that.

I used to enjoy discussing and debating beliefs, and trying to find out what people believe and why. I'm not sure if that is even possible anymore, and don't think it ever has been for me on this site (mainly because I can't seem to figure out the comment section. Not that anyone bothers to leave comments anyway.)

Anyway, the point is, I haven't gone anywhere, and will keep going, on the off chance something breaks lose soon. Until then, stay tuned, it should be a he'll of a ride...

Thursday, February 1, 2018

The FISA Memo

Any minute, to any day now, the President is about to release the much-talked about FISA memo, and many Americans (myself oncluded) can't wait to read it.

If even half of the hype and rumors are to be believed, this document promises to be extremely enlightening into the nature, cause and inner-workings of the Russian Collusion Investigation.  It also has the potential to blow the lid off the real role, intent and purpose of the FBI and DOJ's involvement in the phoney dossier which began this whole mess.

Not surprisingly, the FBI and DOJ  are fighting the memo's release, citing that it's "incomplete", "not factual", and could pose a "clear danger to the American people".

What else would you expect them to say, if they were about to be exposed in a plot to undermine our government and election system?

This is serious business, no matter which side is guilty, or what the evidence shows...

If Trump is in fact guilty, then we have a real problem. Just how deep does the Russian involvement go? How do we clear them out of the system? What else have they compromised?

If the DNC is truly behind all of this, how can we ever trust them again? Will there be a purge of the Democrat party? Again, what else have they compromised, and how deep does this go?

Which ever way it goes, we're in for some dark, but interesting times.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

An Honest Review of the SOTU

Last night,  I sat and watched the State of the Union address, like so many other Americans. I was fully prepared to really listen to what was said, without bias or partisanship, and take things on face value.

What I heard, was an accomplished and (rightfully) proud President detailing what he has achieved, what he hopes to get done, and reaching out to the other side to work together. He didn't name-call, he didn't accuse anyone of fake news or lying, and he didn't  (as the Democrats accused) bully anyone.

It was a very positive, uplifting and pro-American speech.  One that most of us have wanted to hear from Washington, but haven't in nearly a decade.

I heard a lot that I truly liked, but it was what wasn't said that really grabbed my attention and stood out last night...

Each time our President spoke of anything that was positive or helpful to the American people, the cameras cut to Democrats sitting during a standing ovation and refusing to applaud. Most looked as though they had been told to eat their broccoli before doing their algebra homework.

Even when Trump announced that the unemployment rate was the lowest in history for Blacks and Hispanics, the Congressional Black Caucus sat stone faced and still. Really? They can't even be happy that the people they claim to represent are doing better than ever before?

Or, how about when Trump announced that Apple (an openly anti-Trump company) is investing $250 billion in America, and hiring thousands due to his tax cuts? Nancy Pelosi just sat there looking lime she just sucked a lemon, while sniffing an old sweat sock.

They couldn't even stand when he pointed out that the Capital building was a symbol (and belonged to) the American people.

I'm not a Republican. I'm one of those Independents they love to say is slipping away from the GOP side.

But, after last night, if there was any doubt in my mind that the Democrats are anti-American, and trying to destroy our nation... it's all gone now.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

State of Disunion

Tonight (unless you're a student at NYU), the nation will hear Donald Trump's first State of the Union address, followed by the Democrats' rebuttal.

I don't really anticipate anything particularly new in the format, or the divisiveness . It happens every year, no matter who's in the White House.

What's different this time around, is the sheer level the pettiness and division has reached. I mean even the Hollywood Liberal elite are now issuing their own "rebuttal" of Trump's speech. (As if anyone with three functioning brain cells gives a damn about anything they have to say.)

It isn't bad enough that the Regressives have taken over our schools and media, and have poisoned the minds of generations. Now, they're spreading their ignorance and fear mongering like a disease through pop culture.

Yes, I know Hollywood has always been mostly Liberal, but they're taking it to new and disturbing levels. It's getting to the point where I feel we need to hold elections for who can star in a certain movie, or sing a certain song.

I have often been accused (by my wife and others who know me personally) of being too political, and getting too caught up in "The Game". But now, everyone's life is becoming far too political, and there doesn't seem to be any way to avoid it.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Just the Facts

Unless you're living under a rock somewhere in Antarctica, it should come as no great surprise to anyone that America is extremely divided along social and political lines right now. Some have even gone as far as to claim that we're more divided today, than ever before (including the 1860's, during the Civil War).

I don't know how true that actually is, but I do know that we're more divided now, than at any point in my lifetime. I also know that the causes for it are open to debate and opinion right now.

However, this morning on the Fox and Friends news program, they played a segment that exposed just how troubling our partisanship has become.

Last week, Campus Reforms Cabot Phillips went to New York's NYU campus, and asked students their opinion on President Trump's State of the Union address (The one that he hasn't even given until tomorrow). Out of 100 students asked, not a single one pointed out that the speech hadn't even been delivered yet, and only one refused to go on record (citing that they didn't watch, so didn't know enough to comment). The overwhelming majority made very specific criticisms over things the President "said" or "did" during a speech that hasn't even happened yet. One lady even stated that her least favorite part was when he "started the chanting", because he's "big on doing stuff like that".

The entire segment would have been funny, if it wasn't exposing a much larger problem...

Our President frequently rails against "fake news", and the damaging effects it can have on our country. Today's brief report only hammers that message home and proves the point. The condition many Conservatives jokingly refer to as "Trump Derangement Syndrome" is very real. People are so consumed with their hatred of all things Trump, that they are letting it override their common sense, and patriotism.

It's reached such a heightened frenzy, that even when the President compromises and attempts to reach across the aisle, his detractors reject even their own core principles (and the issues they were elected on), just to deny him a "win". This is not only stupid, but extremely dangerous.

Partisan hacks like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are gleefully selling out not only their own party, but all of the American people for no other reason than to grand stand, and obstruct. People like them are the reason Robert Mueller is digging for any little thing he can find on Trump, while the FBI and DOJ ignore any evidence of a crime by Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Granted, there is also a fair amount of partisanship on the Right as well. There are some who would support Trump even if he was guilty of everything the Left accused him of and more.

It needs to stop on both sides, for the good of our country and people. Even I myself need to tone down the rhetoric, and just stick to the facts, no matter which side they're on.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Finally a Few Real Solutions

Not surprisingly, Congress failed in their duties  (yet again), and the government is currently shutdown  (yet again). This is really getting old and pathetic.

It really doesn't matter who gets the blame, or why. Both parties are at fault, and need to be held accountable. If we start voting out losers on both sides, like Lindsey Graham and Chuck Schumer, maybe the rest will finally get the message (though I doubt it).

The solutions to this problem are extremely simple...


2. We need to pass a constitutional amendment that, if these losers can't pass a budget on time, the previous budget remains in effect. No more shutdowns.

3. We also need an amendment that prevents multiple, unrelated issues from being put in the same bill (A "no pork" amendment). This would stop people from holding the system hostage by demanding things like DACA on a budget resolution.

4. I would like to see reasonable term limits on all members of Congress. There are no good reasons for, and nothing good ever comes from, having a Senator or a Representitive in office for twenty or thirty years.

I hate to admit it, but the system that has served us so well for over 200 years, is now breaking down. It's not natural, and not by accident. We are being deliberately sabotaged  by people whom have learned how to use it against us.

We don't need to abandon the principles that made us great. We just need to reinfuse our values back into the system, and clear out all the dead weight. Time to fire the majority in Congress (Republican or Democrat) and get some fresh blood in, after a Constitutional reset.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Exposing the Hypocrites

Nothing exposes a hypocrite quite like political views and agendas. The truly funny (in a sad/pathetic sort of way), is the hypocrite is always the last to realize they've been exposed.

Case in point... The looming government shutdown, and the Democrats' reaction to it.

They own this shutdown, and everyone (including them) knows it. There is no way they can honestly pin this one on Trump or the GOP, but that's not going to stop them from trying.

If you look at the details of the Continuing Resolution, there's not one item in there the Democrats have ever objected to before. In fact, a few of the items were actually written and sponsored by Dems in the past.

Five years ago, when we were facing a shutdown over defunding Obamacare, Chuck Schumer called the Republicans "terrorists" who were holding Americans hostage to get their way. Nancy Pelosi called them "arsonists".

Now, the shoe is on the other foot, and both Chucky-boy and Madame Sleletor are the ones coyly calling for a shutdown over DACA. How is this any different at all?

For once, I'm glad to see the Senate Republicans actually sticking to their guns on something though. (Well, except for a few predictable RINOs like Jeff Flake and Lindsey Graham, who have never had a spine to begin with.) They're actually taking a page from the Regressives' own playbook, and attached a catchy nickname to the shutdown, to help people remember who's at fault. The "Schumer Shutdown" has a nice ring to it, and unlike the Left's nicknames, this one has a fair dose of truth and honesty behind it.