Sunday, September 25, 2016

A Trip to the Museum

I took my son to a Science Museum yesterday, and the exhibits were both entertaining and educational, for the most part. However, they had a "special exhibit" going this month (entitled: "Race: Are We Really So Different?"). I was apprehensive about going in there with my autistic and impressionable son, given the current climate in America today, but my wife and I took him in anyway.

Most of the displays were well informed, and insightful. Even the ones covering slavery and segregation were fairly balanced. (My son thought it was interesting to learn that all humans originated in Africa.)

Then, I got to the display in the back of the room, the one I hoped wouldn't be there, and dreaded. It was a video of different people, of different ethnic backgrounds, talking about their views and perceptions. Most of them were interesting and made me think.

However, when the Caucasian came up, it was an older man who started off by saying that it took him 53 years to realize how much his color had given him privileges and advantages black people never had.

If you've read any of my previous posts, you probably know that I walked out, right then and there. But (against my better judgement) I kept my mouth closed on the subject.

In an earlier entry, I described my childhood (and I know several others who have gone through similar circumstances). I described being bullied and picked on due to my skin color and poverty.

"White Privilege" is a racist lie, made up by people too lazy to elevate their own circumstances in life, so they feel the need to tear others down. It's what I've started calling "justifiable racism", where someone feels they are entitled to be bigoted. And, like all racism, it's wrong.

Rather than throw a huge fit, and demand that they remove the exhibit (the way those on the Left frequently do). I exercised my common sense and simply walked out. Even  though what they are preaching is disgusting and hurtful, it is still their right to say it. Just as it is my right not to listen or participate.

That's the way our rights are supposed to work. You cannot defend only the rights of those you agree with. You must accept and defend everyone's equally, regardless, or you all lose.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Charlotte Riots

Here we go again... Once more, an American city is being torn to pieces and destroyed by people claiming to want justice because of a lie. Once more, there have been attempts made to let the truth be told, only to be ignored and shouted down by race baiters and the misinformed.

What we do know is that, 43 year old Keith Lamont Scott was confronted in his car by the Charlotte police. When approached, he became uncooperative and combative, refusing to comply with the officers' orders which resulted in him being fatally shot.

The first reports of the incident claimed he was unarmed, and simply reading a book, while waiting for his son to get home from school. We now know that this report was untrue.

Not only did Scott have a gun (which he refused to release after several commands from the cops), we're now hearing that there wasn't a book anywhere near the scene of the shooting. It was a lie his daughter told to the press to generate sympathy and outrage over her father's death. Several civilian eye witnesses have stated that the police gave him every chance to surrender peacefully, and he refused to follow their instructions, or comply with their demands.

The truly sad (and sickening) part of all this, is the community's reaction. Even before the details were known, they began taking to the streets, rioting and looting. They even went as far as to attack police officers, with large mobs destroying patrol vehicles and brutally beating 16 cops.

Scott's mother called for peaceful, non-violent protests. And, the mayor, along with the chief of police, tried to inform the public of Scott's gun, his combative actions and that the officer that shot him was himself a black man. Not surprisingly, the rioters and race baiters ignored all of this, and began tearing their city apart a second night.

So far, no one group or so-called "activist" (like an Al Sharpton, or a Black Lives Matter) has been seen out in front, driving this particular protest. But that doesn't mean they're not there. Nearly every time we see demonstrations with this kind of chaos and violence, there are ringleaders.

The people organizing these riots don't care about the truth, or about racial harmony and unity. They're not out for "social justice", or any other catchy buzz-words that they only pay lip service to. They're only interest is division and hate. It's how they earn their living and stay relevant.

I am well aware that some people would gladly call me a racist for even talking about this issue, or pointing out the truth behind the commonly held lies. It's another tired, old tactic of the true race baiters... shut down any opposing view, by playing the race card and screaming "racist" when someone says something they don't like, regardless of how true it may be.

The truth is, the vast majority of these police shootings (not all, but most) are righteous and legitimate. In most of the cases reported (such as Ferguson Missouri and Charlotte North Carolina), the "victim" of the shooting was the aggressor, resisting arrest, and defying police orders. Despite the narrative being told to the black community and the general public, unjustifiable police shootings (based upon race, or otherwise) is extremely rare. And, a white male is still three times more likely to be shot by a cop than any other group.

I'll say it again... until there is truth, there can be no unity. The lies we've been told for decades, are only meant to keep us divided. It's time to wake up, stop this kind of stupidity.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Last week, Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton referred to "at least 50%" of Donald Trump's supporters as a "basket of deplorables". Naturally, even her cheerleaders in the mainstream media couldn't shield her from the firestorm she unleashed.

I'm not deplorable because I want my country's borders secure, and expect everyone within those borders to follow the law. I'm not deplorable just because I want our military and veterans to receive better healthcare and benefits than people who are here illegally. Wanting to put my country and its allies ahead of nations that want to destroy us, doesn't make me deplorable. Neither does putting the lives of our police officers above those of criminals and thugs who resist arrest and put the public in danger.

When asked to clarify her remarks, Clinton and her advisors have half-heartedly apologized stating she shouldn't have used the 50% statistic. (Notice how they didn't take back the entire "deplorable" remark?) She actually attacked a large portion of the population (just as Obama did in his infamous "clinging to God and their guns" remark), and still her supporters blindly follow her and make lame, thin excuses. (Hillary supporters can put more spin on an issue, than an EF5 tornado.)

In short, Clinton is nothing short of a disgusting, corrupt and lying career politician, that needs to be imprisoned. This is only one more thing in an ever growing list of reasons why no one (Liberal or Conservative) should ever vote for her. And, if she wins in November, I want you to know in advance, that anyone who voted for her OWNS every bad thing that happens in the next four years. No excuses, no exceptions (including the popular but ignorant "we didn't know...").

Saturday, September 10, 2016

September 11th

It was a chilly September morning, fifteen years ago, when the America I grew up with officially came to an end.

I can still recall where I was, and exactly what I was doing when I first heard the news... I was on a scissor lift, 25 feet in the air, wiring a new building at work. A man came running through the work area screaming about how "they" attacked New York. (He was a well known paranoid, and there was no telling who "they" were at the time.) I told him that no one was going to attack New York, and then I got the call to report to the office. When I arrived, the first tower and the Pentagon had already been hit. The TV was running a live report on, and to my amazement, I watched a plane strike the second tower. I couldn't believe what I had just seen, nobody could.

We didn't know then, how much our world was about to change. We had no way of knowing that our illusions of safety were over forever. All we knew, in those horrible moments, was that we were all Americans. There was no white or black, there wasn't any Republicans or Democrats, no Conservatives or Liberals. We were truly one.

In those moments, we discovered exactly what it means to be an American. We pledged then, that we would never forget... but we have. So many of us don't seem to remember the anger and outrage we felt then. So many have forgotten the unity and brotherhood we all felt at the sight of so many innocents losing their lives at the hands of cowards.

I haven't forgotten.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Real Story on "White Privilege"

Let me tell you a little something about "white privilege"...

I was born a poor, white kid with hyper-emotionalism, in a small southern town. Throughout the majority of my childhood, my family lived in housing projects and low-income neighborhoods, where we lived feast or famine, hand to mouth. And yes, most of these neighborhoods were "predominantly black" sections of town.

As if being constantly bullied and humiliated in school, due to my sensitivity and poverty wasn't bad enough, I was tormented all the time on the bus and in my own neighborhood, because of the color of my skin. I was constantly singled out, shoved and jumped by two or three guys at a time, to the point where life was often a living hell.

It didn't help that my dad was an abusive drunk, who was also a very outspoken racist (the genuine article, not a Black Lives Matter/Al Sharpton victim). So, most of the time, I had nowhere to turn for any peace, and was always being beaten on by someone.

Thankfully, there were a few good people in my life, who made things at least bearable. My mother, my current wife (and childhood crush) and my best friend Nick. I honestly believe that without each of them, I wouldn't be here today (or, at least not the man I am now).

I can remember, after my dad left, things got harder. There were times when we actually had to dig in the couch cushions to find enough change to eat that night. My mom taught me perseverance and doing whatever it takes to get out of a bad situation.

There were times, when I would go to school black and blue from the beatings my father gave me, and I would see the love of my life. She would do anything she could to make me laugh and would never allow me to give up on myself or put myself down. She taught me the value of love, and feeling like you matter to someone.

And then there was Nick... we hung out at each other's homes all the time, and he would actually have my back and stand up for me against anyone who picked on me in the neighborhood. We weren't like brothers, we were brothers. He taught me that stereotypes are wrong, and not everyone of a certain race is alike (whether you're white, black or other). Once, he even had a bottle of baby powder dumped over his head on the bus, because he hung out with me, and was "acting white".

Anyway, the moral of my personal story is this... Don't you dare speak to me about how "privileged" I am because of the color of my skin. Don't try to tell me how white people are all racist, or can't understand oppression and discrimination. And do not get in my face, telling me that the life of a criminal, or a two-bit thug, matters more than mine.

I'm not a racist because I believe that our laws should be upheld, or that people should conduct themselves in a civilized way (no matter what color they are). I'm not prejudice, just because I don't accept poverty as an excuse for lawlessness, and believe that everyone should work for the things they want on life (whether it's a new car, or a better community).

If you were to meet me now, you'd see a white, middle class man with a shiny new car, and a great family. Don't mistake that for privilege, when you have no idea about all the fighting and crap I had to go through to get here. Don't judge me (or anyone else) until you know every step of the journey.

So, you can take all your "white privilege" B.S. and flush it down where it truly belongs.

To All Clinton Supporters

I've got to ask it... What in the hell is wrong with this country, and the people in it? Are we really that far gone? Is there truly no hope of ever bringing us back?

Recently, I've been reading the news posted on my browser. Not surprising, about 90% of it is anti-Trump and pro-Hillary (and then you wonder why she's still ahead in the polls). That much is expected, because the media doesn't even try to hide their Left-wing bias anymore. The truly disturbing and sickening part, is found in the comments section after the story.

There are so many drooling zombies, regurgitating things they've heard on NPR, the Huffington Post and MSNBC (the unholy Trinity of Liberal "News"), that I instantly feel the need to flush.

I'm all for political discussion (as if you couldn't tell by this blog), and I wholeheartedly support everyone's right to choose the beliefs that work best for them. However, what infuriates me beyond all reason, is an uninformed, dishonest opinion free of all evidence and facts. If you're going to state something for all the world to see, at least have the self-respect enough to make sure it's truthful, and you actually know what you're talking about. (And, for the love of monkeys, read a book every now and then!)

Seriously, I could beat my head full force against a brick wall, and it'd be less painful than talking to some of these people. The arguments some of them have posted leave me feeling as scared, frustrated and confused as Paris Hilton at an elementary school spelling bee.

For the record... Yes, Hillary Clinton is a proven liar, not mistaken or misquoted, or even misunderstood. I could do a thirty-five part special on just the lies she's blatantly told in the past five years alone. But, I'll assume you want a few as proof:

"I never sent, or received any classified emails on my server, that were marked 'classified' at the time."- said multiple times during several speeches and interviews. FBI Director Comey debunked this when he revealed their findings, and then again when he testified before Congress.

Or, how about this lovely little gem... "I remember stepping off the helicopter under intense sniper fire, when we landed in Bosnia..."- again, multiple interviews. CBS (normally cheerleaders in the Clinton fan club) were the ones who refuted this, and even posted videos of the event with no gun fire to be heard anywhere.

And who can forget... "The attack on the Benghazi Embassy was the result of a protest over a disgusting YouTube video..."- taken from an inter-office memo to Susan Rice and also told directly to the families of the fallen victims. Later the FBI presented emails recovered from her illegal servers (she initially denied having) written to both Chelsea and the President of Egypt on the night of the attacks, proclaiming them to be a "concerted, Al-Qaeda style terrorist attack" with no mention of a video.

Those are just a few of her obvious and blatant lies. Believe me, I could go on for hours with more.

Also... No, Hillary was not "exonerated" for the email scandals. The FBI simply refused not to prosecute under intense pressure from Obama's corrupt Department of Justice. There's a massive difference between not being prosecuted and being exonerated, look it up.

As I've stated before, Donald Trump is no angel, and he can be quite arrogant and full of himself at times. I will even grant you that a few of the things he's said have been off color and perhaps borderline racist.

But, to my knowledge, he's never been directly involved in the deaths of American citizens, he's never been caught mishandling state secrets (then tried to lie his way out of it), and he hasn't been accused of selling his government appointed position to the highest bidding enemies ("Play-to-Play" scandal) under the guise of a charity.

Like I said, vote for Clinton if you like... Just be honest, and know exactly what you're voting for.